Dish Network DVR timer

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Emma Caroline, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    My timer seems to be off. It starts recording a minute or so early and then it missed the last minute of the show I have recorded. Dish does not seem to be able to fix the problem. Does anyone else have this problem?
  2. RealityWorkouts

    RealityWorkouts Well-Known Member

    I have same problem. Not sure if its Dish or the stations. What I do on the stations like USA, TNT, A&E, and the like, the ones that show the same program later that night, I will record the show that comes on AFTER the episode. Usually catch the last 45-60 seconds that I miss. Not perfect, but doesn't leave me hanging.
  3. TVfan

    TVfan Active Member

    Try this and see if it works to extend your recording time, push the dvr button, select my recordings, then select Schedule, pick the show you want to extend the time on(it can not be while it is recording) and push select, then select Options and then by the arrows you can choose how many minutes early or late you want the show to record. Hope it will work for you.
  4. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the idea--that is actually what Dish told me but I don't want to do that. If I extend my recordings then if there is another show on right after it will not record. I just want the clock on my dvr set correctly. I would drop dish but it is the cheapest TV service I can find--I guess I get what I pay for:?
  5. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    What might be happening --- your recorder may be stopping so it can switch to another channel to record.

    Say you're recording an 8pm show on ABC and a 9pm show on CBS. Let's also assume you're recording a movie from 8 to 11. So at 8:59, the DVR wants to record the show from CBS so it stops the ABC show and starts the CBS show therefore causing you to miss the last minute of the show.

    This is what happens when there is a great night of television and I just don't want to miss a thing - I wind up missing the last minute of a program.

    However, if you're only recording ONE 8pm show and then ONE 9pm show - I don't understand what's causing the problem unless the time on the DVR is off.

    Hope this helps. I always start the recording 1 minute early and end it 3 minutes late when I can.

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