District SAT Score Still Tops State, National Average

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Strong Showing in Math
    SAT Scores Remain Above State and Nation

    SMITHFIELD-- SAT scores in the Johnston County Schools continue to be above the state and national averages, outperforming both in math by 12 and 7 points respectively*despite a decline compared to last year. The combined verbal and math score for Johnston County for the Class of 2006 was 1023. This is two points higher than the national average of 1021 and 15 points higher than the North Carolina average of 1008. This is the second consecutive year that Johnston County's score has been above the national average. Johnston County's average verbal score was 498, the math score was 525, and the writing score*a new addition to the test* was 485.

    Also of note is the increase in the number of Johnston County Schools students who took the test. The participation rate for the district increased by almost 4 percentage points from 2005 to 2006. The participation rate for the Class of 2006 was 50.4%.

    "We are pleased not only with the performance of the Class of 2006 but by the fact that more of our students felt prepared to take the exam," said Superintendent Anthony Parker. "Their performance continues to highlight Johnston County's leadership in the state and nation." Keith Beamon, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, agrees: "Thanks to Johnston County Schools teachers and staff, the SAT improvement plan has been a catalyst for improved SAT scores our students. In the interest of continuous improvement, however, we will be re-evaluating the plan in order to address the recent changes in the test and the related decline in scores at all levels this year. It should also be noted that the decline in Johnston County's scores this year was magnified by the exceptionally large increase in scores for the class of 2005."

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