Could someone please tell me if water restrictions apply to private well water usage? If not, I think it should since my neighbors water usage affects MY water supply. Although, everyone is on their own individual well, our water supply comes from the same aquifer. I have neighbors who are washing cars, watering their yards and power washing their houses. I'm terrified their usage will cause the ground water levels to continue to diminsh and cause our well to dry up. Thank you.
Hi cristianna... Unfortanely for you the answer is No. Water restrictions do not affect well owners. I am on a well myself, I think it is only responsible for EVERYONE to be conservative!!!!!
We are also on a well and have been trying to be careful of how much water we use. Don't want it to dry up, so try to conserve as much as possible.
Even though you are on a well you may still drain the water table because you well draws from ground water, obviously. The lower the ground water table, the lower lake levels can get
With the Governors new request that we reduce water usage by 50% does this mean I can naturally water the shrubbery in the yard without getting arrested? :?
Hahahhaa!! The fun in living in the Country, everywhere is your bathroom. DS loves to "water" the shrubs in the BACK yard.... BACK yard - I keep telling him BACK YARD.
I mean, seriously, where do people with a 'well' think the water comes from? just stop and think about it.... then type. :shock: :mrgreen:
Apparently my neighbors don't think so! :x My well is so low, I was getting sand in my dishwasher. We have not used it in quite awhile, now.
Even though the restrictions do not apply to private wells, we need to bear in mind that we all draw water from the same aquifer. Good citizenship, in my opinion, requires that we all conserve water, whether or not we face legal sanctions for not doing so. Most of us want to be good neighbors, this is one way we can be.
We were watching the news last night, and a guy dug a new well because his 60 ft one gave out. He went down over 700 ft! Can you imagine the cost???? :shock:
There is supposed to be a little plaqe on there, that tells you how deep and your gallons per minute, at least mine does. I'm lucky, it's about 265 ft deep and does 30 gallons a minute, yes 30, not 3.0. It's like a firehose!:shock:
Maybe you need to have a neighborhood meeting and all agree to limit your water usage. Do you have a home owners assoc.? If so, maybe they need to send a letter out. :shock:
Orange County Asks Wells Users to Cut Back Those of us with wells may just have to share soon...94 days of water left in Raleigh. We ALL need to be careful!
Asked one of my kids friend how her parents grass survived this summer, seeing that they had centipede like us and ours did okay, revived after the last bit of rain we got and she said "oh, mom and dad watered our grass everyday, but now they water every third day because of the drought", I guess my jaw just dropped to the floor, they live in a neighborhood and yes they have a well but that is also someone else's water source and contrary to what they might think, wells do dry up eventually. Don't know about everyone else but ours was pretty expensive 9 yrs. ago at 320 feet deep and I sure don't want to repeat that, so we're conserving.