I am looking for a company that delivers baskets/ cookies/ goodies or something similar for the purpose of sending a welcome or a thank you... I was using Four Seasons... any ideas or referrals???
Sweet Carolina Gourmet right here in Cleveland was doing it, but they just this month closed their doors for good. My hubby has used Carolina Cookie Company in the past, but they aren't local, you can order online though.
NOOOO!!!!! I was literally just looking them up so I could post!! That woman makes the best cookies EVER. I'm heartbroken. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Thats too bad!! :cry: I would imagine you'd have to sell alot of cookies to pay for that place tho.....maybe they will go back to working from home?
oooooooooooooo I LOVE Fannie May, I didn't know that I could order stuff from them.... Thanks..... I guess I know what my kids will be getting me for Mother's Day....
Yeah, I heard from a woman on the school PTA last week, and we just ordered from SCG last month, and hadn't heard. Then what do you know, 2 days ago at the office we got an email saying she was closing doors. I'm not sure exactly why, just heard different rumors, but not sure what's true so I won't say...But it is too bad, that's who we used for our company thank you gifts, and she did excellent, her cookies were the best! Maybe she'll start it up again someday.
Cleveland, over by The Clubhouse, and where the party store used to be before it moved. She was only there a few months, before that she did it out of her house. She advertised at West View a couple times, that is where we met her. She did a great job, and her cookies were fabulous!
Oh i am so sorry i missed her and i go to the Clubhouse quite often and didn't even know she was there:cry: