Do your kids play at GCAA?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by artis, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. artis

    artis Well-Known Member

    Mine still do! Did you know their annual meeting to elect new Board of Director members is tonight? If you are at all interested in being a member of the Board of Directors, then you need to be at the Ag building tonight at 7PM to add your name to the ballot and vote. If you do not want to be a member of the board, but would like some input on who does serve, then again, be there by 7PM to vote on the current nominees. The current BofDs have elected to waive the $10 membership fee to vote this year, if your kids play there, and if you've ever thought of helping out, tonight is the night to go. Currently, there are ~15 names on the ballot to fill out ~10 positions on the BofD.

    Furthermore, they will be installing a new executive committe tonight -- my term expires this year and I will not be running for reelection. I have truly enjoyed the time I have served on the Board of Directors for GCAA, I have met so many new people many of whom I now call my friends, I have been the honored recipient of hundreds of hours spending time with children in the community (the biggest joy I have ever recieved from the association is watching a child succeed at his or her endeavor whatever it may have been -- that does not mean winning, rather, learning a new talent and/or skill, and using it in a real game situation -- the smile that tends to follow when they realize what just happened is priceless).

    I want to thank everyone who has supported the organization in the past and I want to thank anyone who plans to support the program in the future. I have been blessed by my tenure with the CAA and the GCAA such that words cannot express my heartfelt thanks to everyone.

    Thank you everyone, I hope to continue to see you all on the fields or in the gym.


    ps, if you only intend to vote, and not run for a position on the BofD, then you should be home in time to catch the start of the game -- go Buckeys!

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