Does anyone know?????.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by doitwithyourbootson07, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. doitwithyourbootson07

    doitwithyourbootson07 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know where I can find hay. I know someone in here has some connections to help me get some hay for my horses......Please help? any connections will be helpful.
  2. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    What kind are you looking?
  3. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    Here you go Boots

    ’07 Orchard grass no rain, 40-50 lb bales, $4/ea or $3.50/in the field. Claude McCreery, Henderson 252-492-8933.

    Alfalfa orchard grass, fescue, clover and oats hay in the field, $2-$3.50. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-593-8088.

    ’07 Alfalfa/orchard grass mix $3/in the field; $3.50/barn. John Kapp, Rural Hall 336-969-6630.

    Red clover/rye grass square bales, contains some oats, mostly clover, good for feed or bedding, $3.25/ea. Daniel Hansen, Indian Trail 704-806-0153.

    Orchard grass, orchard grass/fescue mix, horse quality, spring ’07 first cutting, $4/bale. Marshall Ratliff, Reidsville 336-243-0068.

    ’07 horse quality fescue 4x4 round bales, covered, $18/per roll, delivery available. Darin Martin, Mt Ulla 704-278-0600.

    Horse hay square bales, no rain, $3/ea. W.L. Clodfelter, Winston-Salem 336-769-2234, 769-9104 or 769-3165.

    ’07 horse quality alfalfa, $4.75/field or $5.75/barn; orchard grass, $3.75/field or $4.75/in barn; no rain, 40-50 lb square bales. Harden Phipps, Julian 336-446-6817-night.

    ’07 orchard grass sq bales, $4.50-$5/ea; pregnant mare hay, $5.50-$6/ea; alpaca hay, $5.50-6/ea; oat hay, $5.50/ea; cow, goat, sheep hay, $3.50-$4/ea. B. Lindley, Siler City 919-742-4009 or 336-302-5405-cell.

    Alfalfa hay, horse quality, $5.50/bale. Phil Zimmerman, Lexington 336-764-1043.

    Timothy hay $6/bale; alfalfa $6.50/ea; orchard grass, $5/per bale; fescue grass, $3.50/bale; orchard grass/fescue $4/per bale, will deliver for additional charge. Maynard Southern, Stokesdale 336-643-5621.

    Abruzzi rye hay, $3.25/bale. M. Moss, Concord 704-782-4379.

    ’07 spring fescue and mixed grass, 4x4 round bales, stored under shelter and outside, $12-$16/per bale. David Allen, Liberty 336-622-2070.

    Fescue no chemicals 55 lb bales, horse quality $3/ea in the barn; $2.50/in the field. Kim Godon, Goldston 919-770-1070.

    Oats 100-150 bu, prefer Brooks or comparable variety. Darrell Nichols, Salisbury 704-202-7596.

    ’07 fresh cut fescue 4x5 bales, $30; square bales $3/ea, delivery available. Larry Menoher, Oxford 919-702-1275.

    Quality orchard grass, horse hay, large square bales, $4; 4x5 round bales, $30, all hay was fertilized this spring. Mike Hester, Mebane 336-269-0296.

    Rye grass and fescue 4x4 round bales, $25/ea. L.M. Chrismon, Elon 336-449-5775.

    Quality Timothy, orchard, broom, alfalfa and mixed hays available for pick up or delivery, organic feeds/supplements for most farm animals, $4.75 up. Nora Mitchell, Wake Forest 919-528-5690.

    Fescue and mixed grass hay horse and cow quality, sq bales, $2/field or $2.50/in the barn. Josie Snider, Staley 336-622-2942.

    ’07 orchard grass sq bales $4.50 to $5/ea; pregnant mare hay, $5.50-$6/ea; alpaca hay, $5.50-$6/ea; oat hay, $5.50/ea; cow/goat sheep hay, $3.50-$4/ea. B. Lindley, Siler City 919-742-4009 or 336-302-5405-cell.

    Coastal Bermuda horse hay, $3.75/bale; pine needles, very clean $3.75/bale; loose pine needle mulch, $10/pick up load. John Ellis, Eagle Springs 910-673-0417.

    Orchard grass/fescue hay ’07 square bales, $2.50/field; $3/in the barn. ark Headen, Yadkinville 336-428-2849.

    ’07 hay, spring cutting, square bales, $3.50/ea. Mack Brame, Jr., Reidsville 336-342-6752.

    Wheat hay, 5x4 round bales; 5x4 bales, fescue mix with orchard grass, $25/ea. Jon Beaver, China Grove 704-239-6322.

    Fescue barn stored, square bales, spring cutting ’05, $1/ea bale. Lori Frear, Sanford 919-842-7385.

    Oat hay, barn kept, possible local delivery, $4/square bale. William Bigham, Liberty 336-622-2633.

    Timothy hay mix 50 55 lb square bales, $7/ea delivered or pick up, pick up must be 100+ bales at $6.75/ea; oat hay mix, $6/60 lb square bales, will deliver within a 40 mi radius of New Hill/Apex area. Jackie Adams, New Hill 919-395-2080.

    ’07 Alfalfa $6.50/ea. Rick Garrett, Liberty 336-565-4930.

    Fescue hay, square bales, no rain, $3/bale at the barn. Gloria Jahnke, Chapel Hill 919-967-5558.

    Fescue mix, $3.50/bale, NW Guilford co. Ken Steele, Stokesdale 336-643-0025.

    Fescue from spring ’07, square bales, superb horse quality, $3/ea. Debbie Bethune, Mt. Pleasant 704-982-3691.

    Oats and ryegrass mix, ryegrass, fescue square bales, $2.75-$3.25, 4x4.5 round bales, $25-$40. Frank Macon, Seagrove 336-879-3907.

    Orchard grass, fescue and orchard/fescue mix square and round bales, excellent horse quality, $3.25-$4/square bales and $25-$35/for rolls. Jim Hawkins, Madison 336-423-7609.

    ’07 Fescue, square bales, $3.50; round bales, $30, delivery available, under shelter. King Roberts, Erwin 910-891-6922.

    Two year old hay, good for some cows and mulch, $5/ea you load; $7/ea if I load, 10 roll limit. James Bass, II, Fayetteville 910-484-2702.
  4. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    I'd say WillSpanker knows the hay business.
  5. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Strickland's in Benson should have some. Expect a price increase as the crop is horrible this year.

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