Does anyone know where I can find hay. I know someone in here has some connections to help me get some hay for my horses......Please help? any connections will be helpful.
Here you go Boots ’07 Orchard grass no rain, 40-50 lb bales, $4/ea or $3.50/in the field. Claude McCreery, Henderson 252-492-8933. Alfalfa orchard grass, fescue, clover and oats hay in the field, $2-$3.50. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-593-8088. ’07 Alfalfa/orchard grass mix $3/in the field; $3.50/barn. John Kapp, Rural Hall 336-969-6630. Red clover/rye grass square bales, contains some oats, mostly clover, good for feed or bedding, $3.25/ea. Daniel Hansen, Indian Trail 704-806-0153. Orchard grass, orchard grass/fescue mix, horse quality, spring ’07 first cutting, $4/bale. Marshall Ratliff, Reidsville 336-243-0068. ’07 horse quality fescue 4x4 round bales, covered, $18/per roll, delivery available. Darin Martin, Mt Ulla 704-278-0600. Horse hay square bales, no rain, $3/ea. W.L. Clodfelter, Winston-Salem 336-769-2234, 769-9104 or 769-3165. ’07 horse quality alfalfa, $4.75/field or $5.75/barn; orchard grass, $3.75/field or $4.75/in barn; no rain, 40-50 lb square bales. Harden Phipps, Julian 336-446-6817-night. ’07 orchard grass sq bales, $4.50-$5/ea; pregnant mare hay, $5.50-$6/ea; alpaca hay, $5.50-6/ea; oat hay, $5.50/ea; cow, goat, sheep hay, $3.50-$4/ea. B. Lindley, Siler City 919-742-4009 or 336-302-5405-cell. Alfalfa hay, horse quality, $5.50/bale. Phil Zimmerman, Lexington 336-764-1043. Timothy hay $6/bale; alfalfa $6.50/ea; orchard grass, $5/per bale; fescue grass, $3.50/bale; orchard grass/fescue $4/per bale, will deliver for additional charge. Maynard Southern, Stokesdale 336-643-5621. Abruzzi rye hay, $3.25/bale. M. Moss, Concord 704-782-4379. ’07 spring fescue and mixed grass, 4x4 round bales, stored under shelter and outside, $12-$16/per bale. David Allen, Liberty 336-622-2070. Fescue no chemicals 55 lb bales, horse quality $3/ea in the barn; $2.50/in the field. Kim Godon, Goldston 919-770-1070. Oats 100-150 bu, prefer Brooks or comparable variety. Darrell Nichols, Salisbury 704-202-7596. ’07 fresh cut fescue 4x5 bales, $30; square bales $3/ea, delivery available. Larry Menoher, Oxford 919-702-1275. Quality orchard grass, horse hay, large square bales, $4; 4x5 round bales, $30, all hay was fertilized this spring. Mike Hester, Mebane 336-269-0296. Rye grass and fescue 4x4 round bales, $25/ea. L.M. Chrismon, Elon 336-449-5775. Quality Timothy, orchard, broom, alfalfa and mixed hays available for pick up or delivery, organic feeds/supplements for most farm animals, $4.75 up. Nora Mitchell, Wake Forest 919-528-5690. Fescue and mixed grass hay horse and cow quality, sq bales, $2/field or $2.50/in the barn. Josie Snider, Staley 336-622-2942. ’07 orchard grass sq bales $4.50 to $5/ea; pregnant mare hay, $5.50-$6/ea; alpaca hay, $5.50-$6/ea; oat hay, $5.50/ea; cow/goat sheep hay, $3.50-$4/ea. B. Lindley, Siler City 919-742-4009 or 336-302-5405-cell. Coastal Bermuda horse hay, $3.75/bale; pine needles, very clean $3.75/bale; loose pine needle mulch, $10/pick up load. John Ellis, Eagle Springs 910-673-0417. Orchard grass/fescue hay ’07 square bales, $2.50/field; $3/in the barn. ark Headen, Yadkinville 336-428-2849. ’07 hay, spring cutting, square bales, $3.50/ea. Mack Brame, Jr., Reidsville 336-342-6752. Wheat hay, 5x4 round bales; 5x4 bales, fescue mix with orchard grass, $25/ea. Jon Beaver, China Grove 704-239-6322. Fescue barn stored, square bales, spring cutting ’05, $1/ea bale. Lori Frear, Sanford 919-842-7385. Oat hay, barn kept, possible local delivery, $4/square bale. William Bigham, Liberty 336-622-2633. Timothy hay mix 50 55 lb square bales, $7/ea delivered or pick up, pick up must be 100+ bales at $6.75/ea; oat hay mix, $6/60 lb square bales, will deliver within a 40 mi radius of New Hill/Apex area. Jackie Adams, New Hill 919-395-2080. ’07 Alfalfa $6.50/ea. Rick Garrett, Liberty 336-565-4930. Fescue hay, square bales, no rain, $3/bale at the barn. Gloria Jahnke, Chapel Hill 919-967-5558. Fescue mix, $3.50/bale, NW Guilford co. Ken Steele, Stokesdale 336-643-0025. Fescue from spring ’07, square bales, superb horse quality, $3/ea. Debbie Bethune, Mt. Pleasant 704-982-3691. Oats and ryegrass mix, ryegrass, fescue square bales, $2.75-$3.25, 4x4.5 round bales, $25-$40. Frank Macon, Seagrove 336-879-3907. Orchard grass, fescue and orchard/fescue mix square and round bales, excellent horse quality, $3.25-$4/square bales and $25-$35/for rolls. Jim Hawkins, Madison 336-423-7609. ’07 Fescue, square bales, $3.50; round bales, $30, delivery available, under shelter. King Roberts, Erwin 910-891-6922. Two year old hay, good for some cows and mulch, $5/ea you load; $7/ea if I load, 10 roll limit. James Bass, II, Fayetteville 910-484-2702.