Does anyone still can vegetables?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    My bride just finished "putting up" 25 quarts of tomatoes on our first canning session for the summer.

    We were starting to get into the 2006 stock of canned tomatoes, and since we didn't can alot last year, we are restocking our pantry.

    Since I'm only doing strawbale gardening now, I don't plant snaps and butterbeans any longer. We're almost out of the snaps that we canned a few years back, so I'll have to buy those from the farmers market if we want to can the snaps. We freeze the butter beans in quart bags as we do corn that we cut off the cob.

    My daddy will freeze the whole ear of corn still in the shuck and use as needed throughout the year. Works great.

    My bride and I both grew up in a canning family, so this is all routine for us.

    Just checking to see if anyone is still canning or have ever canned before.
  2. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    we do, we havent done much this year but we will get thru fine til next year and then we will get more done. We also do spagetti(sp) sauce and chow chow...

    we put up collards, we do our corn on the cob as well!
  3. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Don't do much canning anymore. Used to can my snap beans. My peas, butterbeans, tomatoes, corn, bell pepper, and okra I just freeze.
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I don't "can", but wish I could (ie: had the supplies and knowledge). I myself have processed close to 3 bushels of tomatoes in the past few weeks. I made two batches of spaghetti sauce, and a big pot of chil the other day. I freeze them, and just ull them out throught the winter for a ready-made meal. By the time you blance, peel, stew I figure it is easier to just add the rest of the ingredients. Though I am sick of tomatoes, my Romas are ready to go, and I will be starting the salsa this afternoon. A shame that loses it's luster when frozen, and has to be eaten right away. :)

    I also freeze green peppers, and have made a few batches of pickles this year. I tried blanching and freezing the green beans - but they came out really tough. Any suggestions for those, when one does not have canning equipment?
  5. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    No, but I wish I knew some other way to do them too. I also tried freezing them one time.... :ack: Over the years, I've gotten rid of all my jars, etc. Now the only time I get any snap beans is in the summer when I can buy them fresh.

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