A large older tan Lab mix dog is lying on my porch like they live here, not able to see whether it ia a male of female, they are friendly I gave them some water and a little food but no collar on them . my dog is not always friendly with male dogs so I don't want to let her out. It looks sort of like Vivians 's avitar. I am on Kristin court Southport area, Opps they are gone it was a eat and run trip I didn't even get a tip They seemed to have some trouble with the hard dog food but did eat it all. If they sound familiar they were here and fed.
It is a whitish/tan lab mix? If you see him again, try calling him by the name "Cracker". Apparently this Cracker dog is the daddy dog of all kinds of litters of pups in my neighborhood. He is an unfixed male, and quite friendly. I am told he lives on Josephine Road somewhere, with a bunch of other dogs that run loose all the time. This must mean that the female unfixed dog that roams in our neighborhood is going into heat again. This female lab mix sort of "lives" on our street, having pups under a neighbor's shed (I think 2 litters that I know of). No one can catch this female dog, and she can be mean. She has attacked my dogs ON MY PROPERTY when they are on leashes when I am trying to take them for walks. This male dog (if that is who he is) has been fed by us on occasion, and he comes and goes. Haven't seen him lately...perhaps he has moved to your neighborhood to "service" females in heat?
Well while I was at work today my husband said that he had visited again and there was a lady following him wondering is he was our dog since he came up on our porch. I wonder if he wa doing a service job at her house.