I was just thinking about that episode this weekend. I was thinking that wouldn't be as funny if they were Jewish Germans. /swears to this day one episode had the sign rearranged to Flowery Tw ts
Yeah, I've seen two things personally that have been cut out of TV. Schmitt's Gay, SNL skit, with Chris Farley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq8imI-RJx4 They took out the Van Halen song on reruns and the best of Chris Farley. I used to work at a grill/bar called Eskimo Joe's, http://www.eskimojoes.com , and in the movie Can't Buy Me Love, with Patrick Dempsey, a guy is wearing an Eskimo Joe's shirt at a party. They cut it out in the TV edit!
I always enjoyed Fawlty Towers, but didn't realize when I first saw your post that it was a case of life imitating art. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/20/AR2007012001287.html
Hard to say which is funnier, life or art. thanks for the treat, Hught. It's been awhile since I've seen FT. You don't think Cleese would make a great James Bond? I guess it is hard to figure out whether he's more shaken or stirred.:lol: Snuff