Does Johnston Co. require a permit for going door-to-door selling stuff? We've suddenly been inundated by people. I'm not talking about the WJHS band or Girl Scouts selling cookies...I'm talking about adults trying to sell vacuums, steaks, frozen foods, etc. We had three today in less than 2 hours. If a permit is required, I'm going to start asking to see it. If they don't have one, I'll warn them to get away from the neighborhood before the deputies arrive when I call to complain. (I have no problem with people trying to earn a living in sales. However, every individual who has come to our door has been extremely pushy and rude when told NO at the beginning of the sales pitch, insisting that we have to listen to the entire pitch. Closing the door in their face sometimes causes them to lean on the doorbell to annoy us before they leave.)
Schwann's and Rainbow hit here a couple of weeks ago. The must be making their rounds. I've considered putting up a NO SOLICITING sign on my door but I know it would go ignored. I had a home alarm sales man from ADT come once. This excuse for a human was a total jerk. When I told him we weren't interested he thanked me and I thanked him for the effort. A few minutes after he left I walked out my front door and found that he had wadded up the information pamphlets and threw them on the floor of my porch. :evil: He was one of those, a-hem, people, that give the African Americans (are they still calling themselves that?) a bad name. :evil: Then there was the old couple from a local baptist church going out and spreading the word... saving souls and all... SWEET couple - or so I thought. As she was handing me a goodie bag for the kids I told her (at the time I was catholic) we attended Our Lady of Guadalupe in Newton Grove. They wrinkled up their noses and turned to leave. As they walked away the "lady" (and I use the term loosely) says "Well at least you're going some where!" Sadly, I'm the type that doesn't always catch on real quick. It didn't dawn on me what she meant until later that evening... If I had got it when she said it I probably would have smacked her in the head with her own bag! :evil: Maybe I should have a sign made saying: NO SOLICITING! NO TRESPASSING! YEAH! YOU WALKED YOUR BIG BUTT UP THE HILL FOR NOTHING! <---I have a very long and steeply inclined driveway) TURN AROUND BEFORE I SHOOT! I feel a ban coming on.
Nsane, You could have asked the ADT guy to sell you an alarm that goes off any time a door-to-door salesman gets to the end of your driveway while approaching your house. I wonder if they make those?:mrgreen: Snuff
I keep getting people showing up at my door holding a bottle of dishwashing liquid. They obviously want to sell me something - have no idea what and don't want to ;-) I don't have to say no, all I have to do is open the inside door and let Percy - my big, hairy Briard mix, who HATES strangers, jump up on the storm door with his hair standing on end and showing every tooth in his mouth. The others make a racket, but Percy can make them back down all six steps so fast, I worry one day someone will bust their butts. I've actually heard more than one solicitor say "Please lady, don't open that door!" and I comply, by closing the inside door without a word out of me. I turn to my pack and thank Percy and we all go get a treat! When the fire dept or first aid squad make their rounds, I slip out with my checkbook. When the kids have something to sell, their moms usually phone me and I put the boys outside.
I think I posted before about the dude who marched his butt through my attached garage and knocked on my inside door to the kitchen. :shock: Scared the crap out of me! You can't even leave your garage door up if your doing stuff without worrying some whacko is going to make himself right at home. Let me tell ya, he left a whole lot quicker than he came in! His ears were probably on fire! :evil:
I've found that the door to door people don't respond well either when I open the door while in the process of clening my pistol. Craig
One large German Shepherd Dog with many white teeth & a loud bark along with one Double barrel shotgun have kept the salesmen away from our door. Big Woof Woof earns his keep.
If memory serves me correctly, that would be the Kirby vacuum sales tactic. The last time we let one of those sales people in, which was a few years back, it was only because we wanted our living room carpet shampooed.
Yeah! Kirby! I meant Kirby. I always tell them the one I purchased ten years ago runs like a top. ..... Even though my Kirby is actually a Hoover Hey ...He's happy, I'm happy and no one got shot. :mrgreen:
Last weekend there were some guys (adults) going door to door in our neighborhood. We saw some walking around on our way out. They had a car parked in the area with Texas plates...They didn't look like they had anything in hand selling either...very strange. I don't answer my door for people I don't know. They can either yell at me through the door or move on.