If you haven't heard there is a group of guys from Cary that have a Doritos commercial in the top 5 to be selected to air on Superbowl Sunday. Go to this link to watch their video, "Live the Flavor" and vote for them to win!!! It's a great commercial and they made it for like $12.00!!!!! http://www.jumpcut.com/groups/detail?subnav=grp_movies&g_id=11752B7457BE11DB90D6961586523BC9
Mine, too. I looked at all 5 finalists, and theirs was definitely the best. The checkout one was pretty funny, too.
I voted for the guys from Cary.. they really did a great job on a $12 & 4 day budget. But I really had to laugh out loud at the one with the cashier!!