
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if anyone knew why we have certain dreams and what they might mean , I have been having these horrible dreams for weeks now , Either about my cat having rabies and biting my baby or a home invasion . Sounds weird i know and two totally different dreams yes . These dreams are very disturbing ! These dreams are also very graphic . I wake up and of course and cant go back to sleep for at least an hour .I haven't changed my eating habits and am not on any medications , nothing traumatic has happened so i just cant figure it out . Any ideas on what this means or info is greatly appreciated ! I have googled and searched but was unable to find out really any information .
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  2. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I found this on my favorite dream analysis page:

    Seeing an intruder breaking into your house or hurting you or someone else can be a very frightening dream. Depending on the level of fear this dream is, at times, a nightmare. The intruder breaking the law or breaking into your house may be representation of an unconscious part of your psyche. Carl Jung called the negative forces the "shadow." The intruder may be a symbol of your guilt and self-indulgent attitudes or behaviors. On the other hand, it may represent the more negative side of your nature. If you had a fearful real-life experience with an intruder through this dream you may be reliving that experience and hopefully letting go of the fear.
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Without getting into it too much on here, I have had these types of dreams, some very, very graphic and scary my whole life. I have been told by a professional that they are "anxiety" dreams. Get rid of the anxiety and they go away!

    A lot of times the dreams don't really have anything to do with what you're actually dreaming about. ex: if you're dreaming about an intruder, you're not really scared in real life about someone breaking into your house. That's just how you're acting out your anxiety in your dream. I don't know why your brain does that, but it does.

    I used to have terrible, terrible dreams about actually killing people, very graphically (sp?), like decapitating them. Now, I am not a violent person at all, and never have been. Needless to say, I was not sleeping well at that time. That was years ago, and thank goodness I took care of what was bothering me and that doesn't happen anymore!!
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Do you drink? (serious question)

    If so stop many hours before you go to bed.
  5. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    in my opinion - sounds like you feel that you are not in control of something and that you do not have total trust in what someone is doing. When someone comes into your home - ie:the intruder, you are helpless. THat feeling may be coming from other areas of your world. The same with the cat - you are unable to protect what you hold most precisous - the baby. THe cat, which you again can not control, attacks your child. You are unable to stop it.
    All this lead me to believe that you are in a situation where someone else is making an important or several important decisions for you and that you feel as though you have no, or very little say or trust that thing will be ok. Think hard... perhaps your husband or significant other, is making decisions for you and you have some doubts. Could even be a sibling or parent. My thought is that somewhere you are not controling your own destiny. Find that place, grab hold, and convey your feelings to the person who is making decisions. Express your concerns and do not worry about hurting their feelings- but do it with tact, but not so much tact that the message of wanting to handle this yourself, gets lost.

  6. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    Thanks to you all for the info and help !

    Wed2x , Thanks , I'm wondering what dream website you visit and can i have the Addy ?

    DMJMOM , Thanks so much and I'm so glad your not having those dreams anymore !

    HG , Nope I'm not a drinker but i might be after this !

    Peppercorns , Not what you said don't make sense to me because i am always in control and my situation has not changed . Thank you for your info !
  7. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    Well I dreamed last night I was pregnant with twins!!
    For me that was a NIGHTMARE
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I dreamed that I ate the world's largest marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone! :lol:
  9. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    LMAO!! You're such a dork. :)

    I agree with the analysis of anxiety or loss of control.

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