I just voted at the Cleveland Fire Station. It was quick, it was easy, there was no line. You do not have to live in the Cleveland precincts to vote there. If you are registered to vote in Johnston County, whatever part of the County you live in, you can vote at any of the early voting sites. If you are not registered, you can register and vote at an early voting site. Bring picture ID and proof of residence. Vote now and avoid the lines on election day!
Here are some voting places: Johnston205 S. Second St. Smithfield, NC 27577Open normal business hours Church at Clayton Crossing 11407 US Highway 70 West, ClaytonApril 22 - May 3 Tue. - Fri. (12:00pm - 7:00pm) Sat. (9:00am - 1:00pm) Cleveland Fire Department 9039 Cleveland Rd., same as above
Thanks, SB! That should answer Kaci's question. Tuesday thru Friday Noon until 7:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 to 1:00, this week and next week. The last day of early voting is Saturday, May 3. Then the primary is on May 6 at your regular polling place, if you don't get a chance to do the early voting.
Thanks SB and KDs, gonna try to make it up there one day next week so i don't have stand in line on the 6th
You are so right. We voted at 12 Noon, no one was in line. A few folks came in while we were there but the volunteers are so hoping for more voters between today and next week. If they don't get enough we will not have an opportunity to vote early for the presidential election. Get out there and VOTE! Ro
Woohoo, I voted yesterday evening at the Fire Department and gotta say it was so easy and quick - loved the early voting and the staff manning the voting station were extremely friendly and informative:hurray::hurray::hurray:
ONLY 2 MORE DAYS of EARLY VOTING!!! Fri Noon- 7pm Sat. 9-1 Come on over! CVFD - It's (usually) fast with almost no line. :hurray: It will not be so fast on TUESDAY, May 6th.
Don't forget, you can still register today or tomorrow at the early voting sites. Bring your NC driver's license and proof of residence, like a utility bill. If you're not yet registered in NC, tomorrow morning will be your last chance before the primary.
Yes, if you're registered unaffiliated, you may vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary. Your registration will be changed to the party you choose, so if you still want to be independent, you need to go to the Board of Elections after the primary and change it back.
The One Stop Voting at Cleveland begins on October 21 @ 12 noon; Tuesday - Friday 12-7 & Saturday 9-1. For two weeks. This year the One Stop locations are the JCC Cleveland Campus & the Church at Clayton Crossing + Smithfield Town Hall. Note: *** ONLY the early voting is at the JCC building, the NORMAL Nov. 4th VOTING will be back at the FIRE DEPT. (If you usually vote there.) Please also remember there are 3 voting places (Polls) in the Cleveland area now. Not everyone votes at the Fire Dept. North Cleveland precient votes at the C3 church and SE Cleveland votes at the Cleveland Elem School (Around back - use the Bus driveway.) VOTE!!!
Another reason to vote early - typically the campaigns will know who voted early - That way you don't get pestered constantly and the campaign can go pester someone else where it might count. :mrgreen: None of the early votes will be counted until Election Day, and in some states it could take days or weeks to count all absentee ballots. But in most states, the campaigns will be able to determine well ahead of Nov. 4 who's voted early. Want the campaigns to stop bombarding you with fliers and phone calls? Vote early. "That's one less person we need to put a get-out-the-vote call to and one less person we need to send a mailer to," said Nathan Treloar, communications director for the Iowa Republican Party. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080921/ap_on_el_pr/early_voting
where is the JCC Cleveland Campus? and anyone can vote there, correct? no matter what part of the Cleveland area you are from?
The JoCo Cleveland Campus is just across the road from the Cleveland Fire Dept., beside the day care center and the GCAA Ball fields/YMCA gym. (aka: Old Cleveland School) If you live* in JoCo you can vote early at the Cleveland JoCo campus building. * live in JoCo, = are a Johnston Co. resident, citizen of the USA, 18 y/o or over, registered to vote, lots of fine print here...