East Clayton Team Places Second in Nation!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 8, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Student Team Places 2nd in Nation in Toshiba Competition

    CLAYTON-- East Clayton Elementary School Exceptional Children's teacher
    Rebecca Bettis and four of her students have placed second in the nation
    in the 2006 Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision innovative science awards

    In March, the student team was one of six chosen in their region as
    finalists for their creation of a vision of a new technology-- The Globe
    9000-- and one of only 24 in the United States and Canada. They
    competed against thousands of entries. In that competition round, each
    child received a DVD player, and the classroom received a Toshiba

    As a result fot heir national ranking, they will each receive $5,000
    and an all-expense paid trip top Washington, D.C. to demonstrate their

    For this compeition, the students creates a prototype of their
    technology, and had to graphically depict it on the website.

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