Does anyone know where we can get pictures made with the Easter Bunny tomorrow or Saturday. It's my baby's first Easter and I'd love to get pics with the Easter Bunny. Thanks for any ideas!!
I know that the malls have them, but some of these places probably will too for free:
I saw an ad last week where Lundy's Photograph in South Hills were taking children pictures with a live Bunny for Easter. Call and see if they're stilling doing it this weekend.
Well, dh and the kids just got back from the Clayton Easter egg hunt and the general consesus is that it was a complete nightmare. They advertised that it was for kids aged 2 through 5, but didn't actually limit it to those ages, so there were older kids. And they didn't limit the number of eggs per child, so it was complete chaos and plenty of kids got knocked down. My two year old managed to get 1 egg. They said that the Easter bunny was a guy in a really cheap costume. Both of my kids decided they didn't want to bother waiting in line for a picture with him, even though that was why they wanted to go in the first place. Way to go to whoever organized that cluster.
Sorry I did not notice this thread yesterday. Last night at the Raleigh Road Drive in Theatre in Henderson there was an easter egg hunt and the Easter Bunny was there for pics with kids. The movies playing were Monsters vs Aliens and Return to Witch Mountain. A good time was had by all and this place is extremely family friendly. Highly recommended!!!!!!
I suggest you voice your displeasure with Steve Biggs, Towm Manager, and Larry Bailey, Parks and Recreation Director. They need your feedback to improve future activities. You can also contact the Mayor and Town Council Members by e-mail at the following link.
Thanks for the contact info, I'll send them some feedback. Our church did a fantastic egg hunt, so the kids had a great time there. Plus we did several family egg hunts, so it turned out to be a great Easter. They had an Easter bunny at the PetSmart on White Oak on Saturday. It was $5 (I think) for a picture with him. It was of course primarily for pets, but they said we could do it if we wanted to.