enough already

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    </rant on>
    This morning on the news they have said we have had 3 weeks of rail daily. I am glad the rain is keeping the temps down unlike last year when we had days over 100 degrees. I am glad our lakes and reservoirs are over capacity. I am sick and freakin tired of all this rain. Enough already. I live at the end of a cul-de-sac that is on a incline. So typically after a normal rain my property stays wet for about a week. With all this rain it will be a month before my property dries out. I can only imagine the bugs, ticks, snakes and mice that will be coming out to live in my yard. YUK
    </rant off>
  2. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    we have a zillion little caterpillars everywhere that have been hitching rides into the house on the pets. It has been impossible to purchase lumber and get it home in the truck, to keep up with hubby's side weekend job of building cabinets. Delivery of what he has built is a challenge. And keeping up with wet dogs, changing couch covers, convincing the pets to lift legs outside - NOT in the garage! The soft ground feels like we are walking with squishy wet watershoes and when the wind kicks up we worry about another tree falling in our forest, onto the house. We already have skylights from the last time that happened! I do hear on the news that dryer weather is on its way...fingers crossed!
  3. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    While I do thank God that we have rain and not a drought..I really feel bad for all the farmers who have flooded crops. It is a sad sight all over but I see it daily riding on Hwy. 301 in the Dunn/Benson/Four Oaks area. My son works on a farm, mostly doing hay; they seem to be doing okay through all this rain, but I really feel for those who are not so fortunate.
  4. singlemom2

    singlemom2 Active Member

    My driveway looked like the Grand Canyon! I had some gravel put down 2 days ago & it's already getting a rut down the middle because all the water comes down the road into my driveway. :banghead:
  5. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    This weather is also making everybody cranky!
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Very selfish of me to say but here's my rant.....lifeguards cannot work in this weather with the thunder and lightening. My daughter hasn't been able to work a regular week in a while and I know her car payment and insurance are coming up. Uh oh!! I hope mom doesn't have to cover her, again.

  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  8. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    Chris says next week is going to be hot & dry!! I'm ready for some sunshine.
  9. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I am trying to house train a puppy and it is so hard since he does not like to go when the grass is wet. Every time I think we are on track it rains for 48 hours and we seem to be back to square one. It is frustrating. My plants do look great though!
  10. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    love it

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