Entering the 48 Hour Film Challenge. And You Can Help!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Bullboski, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Bullboski

    Bullboski New Member

    Hello 4042,
    My name is Jason Bullock. I own Backwards Man Productions, a video production company based in Selma. I am entering the Filmspark 48 Hour Film Challenge that is part of Raleigh's Sparkcon Festival on Sept. 6th - 8th. And I am asking for local help to show that Johnston County is a great place to film.

    I am asking that if you have any locations such as homes, businesses, local attractions, & similar locations that could be used on Sept. 7th for filming, I would greatly appreciate it. Due to the nature of the contest which the rules stipulate I can't even begin writing the film until Sept. 6th, I will not be sure of what I'll need until Sept. 6th/7th. Also, according to the rules, everyone must be volunteers. This means I cannot pay for the use of the location. What you will get is our thanks on our Facebook & Twitter pages and the name in the credits.

    If you are interested and know of any locations available or able to allow us to use your location, please email info@backwardsmanprodcutions.com with the subject line "48 Hour Film Challenge Location" in the subject line.

    Thank you very much everyone!!

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