Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I've read in the paper of imporvements in EOG scores last year. I'm curious if you think ...

    the children are learning more


    the schools have gotten better at teaching the test
  2. chik

    chik Well-Known Member

    Better at testing.

    All children learn differently and some just never will test well no matter how hard you try. Some test very well and fail because they lack in other areas, or don't turn in homework.

    My lesson with EOG's was the classes my daughter excelled in were taken away. She learned her senior year in Colorado that she had artist talent. Art was always taken away so she could have extra reading and math. But what if a teacher was allowed to use the skilled area to teach the math or the reading. This has been done and is proven.

    What if we got rid of No child left behind. And truly created a system that allowed the teacher to teach. Teachers who are good will get kids to pass. Of course there should be a measurement but standardized testing isn't it.

    My daughter is now working towards a career in photography. She won a photography award for Creative ARts in 5th grade. I still have that picture. She won other awards her senior year.

    She is now planning a career in photography. She wasn't ever encouraged to do whatever she wants. The testing showed she should try beauty school.

    She now knows she didn't have to. She can do anything she wants. She knows how she learns now and how to make learning work for her.

    So my answer is they are teaching a test. Here's what the kids have to pass teach it.

    Testing also segregrates kids...the "smart" and the "not so smart". This is wrong too. Maybe that "not so smart" student learns another way. Maybe there's areas we need to look into in how to teach kids so they all aren't labeled because of a test.

    Stepping off my soap box...
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Better at teachign the test!!! Shoot, they have a whole class at the middle school dedicated to teaching the test. Though they call it "prepping" it's still the same thing. So much more time could be given durign that class to learn something else. We have great teachers here, so let them show what they can do!!! The school admin worrying about testing all the time does not help w/ scores or help the teachers do what they are supposed to. Teachers are so caught up in that stupid test. My daughter failed a test last week. Do you know what? She gets to take it again! What?! She failed, she deserves the grade. My daughter is smart but lazy. Yell at me if you want but as a teenager, she needs to learn there are consequences. How is she learning this if she knows she'll get to retake the test. They were trying to tell us that these are in the state guidelines that if a certain # fail, they get to retake the test. I'm sorry, but when I was in school, you got the grade you got and worked much harder next time. URghh. Where are these so called guidelines the school is tellingus about. We asked for a copy but they couldn't produce them. Said for us to look them up. BTW, did you know the school can do what they want to try to manipulate the scores in their favor? How, you ask? By taking the special ed kids scores out of the mix!!! By giving htem what is called an NCExtend test. We vehemently disagreed w/ the "teams'" decision to give my daughter the NCextend. They refused. So, her scores will not be counted and school won't be held accountable. Keep in mind, this is an intelligent child. She failed last year not only the EOG's but on much of hte classwork. We begged for her to be held back. They refused. So, she failed yet got to go forward. What is that teaching her? And remember, she is NORMAL intelligence, just really, really lazy. Doesn't do the work! I have a friend w/ the same problem. Daughter learned she could "work the system." And her daugher was academically gifted!!! She too was given chance after chance to trun stuff in. Her mom wanted her to fail so she'd get motivated. TEacher told her she oculd give her no lower than a 60(I think but honestly can't remember the #). So, she does absolutely nothing, and still gets a grade! How insane is this?!

    I know my situation is a bit different but I've talked to several parents who do not agree w/ how this is handled. Okay, let the flaming begin--LOL. I'm off my soapbox. Preparing this week for yet another IEP meeting where they are trying to pigeon-hole my son into a class he doesn't belong. And get this, he's actually extremely intelligent! I jsut don't get it.

    We have such wonderful teachers here in Johnston County. Let them do their job. They have such wonderful ideas and themes they come up with. Let them teach! The llast few months, my elementary kids bring home practice testing booklets to do. HOw about we do a new science experiment instead of teaching that bloody test? I for one was one of the kids who always, always tested bad on my SAT's or any standardized test. Always. Yet always honor roll and top of the department in college. Yet, w/ my SAT scores, you would have never known. It's sad b/c I think kids are not given a chance to do what they want to and explore new things. Music/ arts, etc. are being chopped left and right. Those are just as important.

    Done w/ my soapbox. I've said enough. And I 100% agree w/ Chik.

    Stephanie--mom to 7

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