Hilltop Church in Fuquay on 401 is having revival this week with Dr. Tom Farrell!!! Service begins nightly this week 7:30pm. Nursery and childcare is provided for infants to age 4. Then children ages 5-grade 4 have a separate service led by Dr. Farrell's family. The "Dynamite Club" has puppet shows, balloons, songs, and a special message for their hearts! This week is for the WHOLE family!!! Everyone is welcome! www.hilltopchurch.com
BUMP! Tomorrow night (Friday Nov. 21st) is Prophesy night. He will be speaking on end times. If you have any question at all about your salvation, have been praying for someone to come to the Lord, or just have no idea what I'm talking about but are curious, come join us. We have the room! This is not a tent revival. NO one is asking you to join anything or asking you for your money. 7:30pm...he has been done around 9pm every night. If you have little ones we have nursery, and the Dynamite Club for kids 5-4th grade. If you are a born again Christian you will not be disappointed or feel like you've wasted a night by coming. Dr. Farrell is awesome!