Hello all. I have a son who has phenumonia. Last week he was dx'd w/ a virus but I thought it was something more. We gave him a few days. Then, took him back in on Friday. Yep, dx'd w/ phenumonia. Took x-rays of the lungs and all that. He's been on antibiotics since before he was dx'd w/ it. Also, they gave him 2 shots of anti's at the doc's office. He is NOT himself still and still has a fever. Though not as high. He's fevers were running between 104 and 106. Now, he's running around 99 to 101. He is eating better and we are keeping him well hydrated per instructed. Doc knows he has one kidney and ohter issues so not worried about it being something different. However, have any of you had experience w/ a kid w/ this? How long is it supposed to last? He's obviously better than before but deifnitely not back to his old self by any means. He's 7yo, almost 8yo. I'm trying to guage from others about how long this usually lasts. Thanks in advance for any insight you provide. BTW, we have another one in the house that just had surgery. Between the 2, I feel I should get my nursing degree this week....just kidding. Oh, any suggestions as well for entertaining 7 kids? Our pool liner is broken so no pool. I can't go anywhere b/c of the 7yo having a fever. I've done some craft projects, we've watched tv, done some cooking but need some more ideas. Send them my why. We're making bouncy balls today... I think. Never done this one before, so we'll see. Should be interesting. Thanks again for ideas. BTW, they range in age from 5 to 15. Usually the older girls hang out w/ friends but this week, all their friends happen to be gone (vacations/ camp/ etc.). So activities that will be good for all ages. I know, I know, I'm asking for a miracle. Got to go. Stephanie-mom to 7
Wow, you poor thing! I wish I had some ideas for you, but I don't. Mine are much younger, and I'm always looking for ideas myself. I certainly hope the two little ones start feeling better soon! I think it's easier sometimes to entertain younger kids than older ones, they don't expect or require as much. Maybe try a "themed" day. Pick a day, like a tropical day, and try to decorate, make crafts themed for that day, make lunch for that day (fruits, punch, things like that) I don't know, I'm just drawing from air here. Dress like you're at a luai, things like that. Or pretend you're at a campground for the day, have the older kids set up camp out back, have the younger kids get the stuff for smores, make them in the microwave if you can't really make them, tell ghost stories, even if it's during the day, maybe something like that. Try to stick with a theme all day that the older kids can help you with, since you're obviously busy helping your son. I don't know, just an idea.
If you have a house, I know it needs cleaning. If you have a yard, I know it needs some weeding. If you wear clothes, I know they need some washing. If you eat off of dishes, I know they need some scrubbing. I hated summers growing up. By the time us kids got finished working we were ready for a break... errr school! :lol:
Jackpot. And I was thinking my mom never used to entertain us...heck she was too busy sitting with her feet up watching us scrub away another summer! Hope the little one recovers asap.
As far as how long it lasts, as an adult (I did not say mature) I would have its effects hanging for a month or more sometimes. I used to get it every year or two, but I had the pneumonia vaccine and a regiment of allergy drugs that have kept me from getting to the point of having pneumonia over the last 5 or 6 years. Part of my problem is as long as I knew it was not contagious I would work, even if it meant coughing up a lung at the client site.
I know when I had pneumonia it took months before I was over it. It was six weeks before I had energy to do anything. We had a day at the movies. Turned lights off, got popcorn, candy and sodas and enjoy. The kids thought this was great. Board games, cards, puzzles, badminton, science experiments using stuff around the house (check library for this), and have your own Olympics in the backyard. That's all I can think of right now. I hope the little one gets well soon.
Oh you poor thing. My 6 year old had pneumonia when she was 4, at first they thought she had mono, she was so wiped out. She didn't eat or drink and we wound up in the hospital for 5 days! Even after she came home she was very tired for about a month. Make sure you get the fluids in your son. I think DMJMoms ideas were great ones. If you are able to get to the library you could pick books or movies that go with your theme too and maybe the older ones could read to the younger ones. My girls have had me busy making clothes for their Ty girls (quite a challenge since I really don't know how to sew). How about having the older ones make treasure hunts for the younger ones? They could make a map with clues and hide various things along the way? Good luck and take care of yourself.
Thanks all! I love the treasure hunt idea. We've cleaned like crazy and even caught up on laundry(miracle in this house--LOL). I also like the movie idea. I think will do bouncy balls today, movie today. Right now, most are playing outside. I think a treasure hunt would be great b/c it would involve ALL. The older ones could get clever. Now, if I could only find a way to keep the 5yo quiet. urghh. He's Deaf so can't hear himself scream. We've done our best keeping him occupied and out of the 7yo's way. So, I think all these activities will help. I got a recipe(simple one) from a big families website and tomorrow am attempting to make donuts w/ the kids. Hey, they won't be a Krispy Kreme but anything w/ sugar they'll find awesome--LOL. Also, going to do the camping thing. SEt up the tent, do smores, etc. Thanks a million for th ideas and well wishes. Let's me entertain them. They've been great about doing around the house cleaning projects too. BTW, did I tell you my sister in-law moved in this weekend?(of all weeks) Not to add to things to do but we even managed to get that room in order too. Been busy. Thanks. Signing off for now and getting some fun time in. Okay, when he's not zonked out on the couch. Have a great week everyone and thanks for all the wonderful ideas. It really does help to get a different perspective on things to do. Take care, stephanie--mom to 7
Hey Steph, Had plenty of experience with pnu in my Little One. The low-grade fever may stick around for the rest of the week, maybe into next week. Sounds bacterial. He's still fighting, that's why the fever. Keep him WELL hydrated. Now is a time that there isn't too much hydration. The fever is taking some of the fluids as well. Make sure he has something with him to drink at all times. NO dairy tho. It'll curddle in his tummy if he still has a fever. Follow your peds' advice on what to give him besides water, due to his other issues. If he doesn't want to eat don't force him. Try offering foods down a level until you find something he'll eat. For instance go from steak, to a sandwhich, to some soup, to some clear soup, to popcicles, etc. Once he's starting to turn around, cabin fever is gonna hit him like a bear. Be prepared to do something-anything-outside. Even if it's walking up the street (take a 'nature hike' and see how many bugs he sees and what kind they are...make it fun), or sitting out back in the shade. Good luck! Frogger