Extended School Year--IEP

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Anyone on here able to get their children extended school year in their IEP's?? Just curious. You can email me privately if you'd like. This is NOT summer school. This is for students who can not retain knowledge for a certain amount of time. My daughter qualifies for this but school is really fighting us tooth and nail on the issue. Thanks in advance for any information you all may have.

    Take care,

  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Have you had an IEP team meeting to discuss this? If so, what did the team members decide?
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    We did have a "team" meeting. Hate that term as the administrators seem to not function very well in a team environment. My daughter is classified as MMR and was moved onto 7th grade. How, I don't know as she is on about a 4th grade level. She took the EOG w/ mods but failed them. They sent it to a waiver committee. We said we don't want a waiver and they freaked as ALL parents want a waiver. We were trying to get them to see there was a serious problem. My husband went to the meeting and works w/ statistics daily and threw them for a loop. He knows the ins and outs how these tests get graded and how the state tries to find companies to make the test results in their favor. So, when they recognized what he knew he was talking about, it kind of froze. They expected a 10 minute waiver meeting and got 2 hours. We said if she goes to waiver, she NEEDS ESY. IT is a functional need. We are only requiring the school to do the miniumum to meet her FAPE needs. Again, they froze. Because everyone knows you can't do less then the miniumum, right? My husband said we need to see the benchmarks on why you are denying this request and need. They couldn't give us any. They were basing it all on IEP grades which isnot how you do it as all her IEP grades are modified. We said we know there are benchmark tests given inthe beginning of the year. We need those results. School claims they don't have those and don't give them. (found out from another teacher that is NOT true). We know they don't record them but do know they give them. So, he asked to see what statute in NC they are basing their decision on. They said we don't know. Look at the federal guidelines. We already knew the federal guidelines and quoted them as we knew this would happen in the meeting. It varies from state to state and we asked to see the state statutes. They have said now they will find out for us within hte week. Still haven't heard from them. Meeting was Tuesday. AT this point in time,it looks like we'll have to go to arbitration. Anyone been there before? I know of 4 cases that went to due process in Johnston County just this past school year and the parents won each and every time. Meaning, the school was in the wrong each time. I hate to do this as all Ireally want is to get my daughter the help she needs and deserves. She's never been a behavioral problem and always been an awesome student. I know the schools are fighting us on this as it is always a money issue w/ them. I honestly just want her to succeed in school. Special education students have it tough enough. The least we can do is give her the tools she needs to succeed at her own level.

    So, yes it was denied saying she doesn't regress enough even though there was a teacher at the meeting that said she forgets things in his class every other day when he has her. So, proof was there. And her disability alone she forgets things. Unable to retain information is part of her disability. She needs this to be successful in school. We tried summer school before and that does help a bit. But they won't give her summer school. ONly certain slots. Anyway, I'm not trying to fight the system but just want what is appropriate for my daughter to learn. She'a great kid and I don't want her education to be a waste. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really have no desire to go to arbitration and would love to settle this out of arbitration and have a good relationship w/ admin for future years. But, I believe we are doing everything necessary to help our daughter through school. Tahnks in advance for any advice.

    -- hoping to help our daughter.
  4. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    I am not there yet so really can't help you but I just wanted you to know that I hope everything works out for you and your daughter.

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