Just thought I'd share. Last Saturday was family reunion time again! Is it wrong that I always feel better about myself after goin to a family reunion? I mean between six aunts and two uncles, they barely made up a full set of teeth. I understand most folks are concerned about what covered dish they are going to bring to the dinner, but I’m more scared about what everybody else is bringing... some things are better suited to remain covered! Oh, and I also fret about clothing and appearance… not mine, but the rest of the family’s attire (or lack thereof.) Again, some things are better suited to remain covered! Don’t get me wrong, them folks are entertaining; they put the “fun” in dysfunctional! But trying to settle everybody down to say grace is like trying to nail jello to a tree, it aint happening. Then, after the blessing granny puts her hat back on, yelled “play ball” and asked for popcorn. To top it all off, after the meal Uncle Turnip announced that he just got word that his youngest grandson "may have" thrown up a little bit somewhere in the vicinity of the beef stew and pork-n-beans. MMMM MMMM Good! Anybody else love family reunions? I Look forward to next year!
We have to go to my wife's family reunion this weekend. What always amazes me is how so many can get paroled on the same weekend.
And don't forget about the southern tradition of wrapping things up with a friendly game of horseshoes. There's more smack-talkin' than a basketball game on the streets of Harlem. Then the victors strut around like they just won the dern Daytona 500 and Super Bowl.