Now I'm not doing this, but last night while me and my sister where cutting my dads bushes in the front yard one of my parents neighbors was running down the street with puppies. Both me and my sister were hey stop! We wanted to play with them. Now we got talking to the girl and she feeds all her dogs RAW food, chicken ect ect. She said she has never ever taken her dogs for shots ect ect. Now I have never ever seen puppies that looked so darn good, their coats where just in great shape. Running and playing and no big puppy bellies. She just gave them a whole chicken to eat before taken them for a run. Now I don't know much about this raw food eating thing. I mean wouldn't that give them the tast of blood or something or another. I guess cause my sister was thinking of getting one of them, that I was asking about it. She wants me to look into it more. Any thoughts? Sheri
Well, I've got no problem with the "raw" diet. But the no shots thing would give me pause. Heaven only knows what they can and will pick up from each other and other dogs. And all puppies have worms, I'm sure those are no exception. A friend of mine just got a puppy, and was absolutely convinced it didn't have worms, I told him it probably would............... he had to find out for himself when cleaning up after it. :ack: Hard not to tell him "I told you so!". They have an appt at the vet today. :mrgreen:
That is what I was thinking with the shots and all and of course the worms..I thought that was something that they always got from their mother. I said something to that nature to her..and she sort of got snotty with me. I told my sister that if she did get one that she would still need to take it to the vet for puppy shots just to make sure. She thought so too. She isn't sure about the raw thing either. Either am I Sheri
Puppies can get parvo from the ground, and parvo is deadly! Also, isn't the rabies vaccine mandatory? :?
Rabies and parvo/distemper vaccines are a MUST for puppies - along with their booster shots - Rabies isn't done till 4 months of age. RAW diet - no problem with it - I did it for a while - BUT I feed my dogs inside and typically with RAW you would give bones too - as with chicken - UNCOOKED chicken bones are safe and good for dogs - they will not splinter. You literally give them a chicken wing and they bite right through it and eat the whole thing. My problem was I feed my dogs inside and two of them like to take a larger piece and bring it out of the kitchen into the living room on the carpet - my floorplan is one where a babygate would not be practical and I wasn't about to stand there for every meal playing human barracade. By cooking for them, I cut up all of their food and they don't get bones, unless they have been cleaned of all meat and sterilized. Raw feeding has been done widespread for racing Greyhounds for many years and you see the results there. Anyone who would not have pups vaccinated is a FOOL as well as a neglectful owner - I would consider it abuse, quite honestly. After dogs are a year old, I do believe in titer testing for antibodies of Parvo to see whether that vaccine needs to be repeated - and testing every year to determine when another shot is necessary. As for Rabies, I read that there have been a few studies run and we should soon see a change in the protocol of how often Rabies shots are necessary and those laws will change. Gotta go to work - excuse typos Oh and BTW - running a deep chested dog, (such as a Greyhound, Briard, Dobie etc. . .) right before or up to an hour after feeding them can KILL them. It causes BLOAT - a twisting of the stomach - which can be fatal.