Lately I've been at a few places at 40/42 (The Clubhouse, Drafthouse, Dairy Queen) and seen several feral cats in the parking lots. Is this a problem in the area? They seem to be everywhere. It's a shame people aren't more responsible with their animals.
I always see a few FAT ferals out behind the Bojangles @ 40/42. That must be a stop on the cat underground railroad. We trapped a feral momma last week & took her in for surgery at the SNAP truck in S'field. $60.00 & a 3 month wait but still a good deal. Glad we were able to trap that wild-wild momma.
There are other low-cost S/N alternatives: NC-SNAP, Carolina Mobile S/N, POP. NC-SNAP has a special program, PALS, for low-income households and for ferals that you have trapped and plan to release to a managed colony. (The $20 fix.) For more info, you can PM ljk. She has a lot of knowledge about local S/N resources. For contact links/numbers, see the JCAPL page about S/N resources. Please note that JCAPL might not have money to subsidize S/N. Those funds come from grant money and are used up very fast. (If anyone out there is a successful grant-writer and wishes to help animals, please give JCAPL a call to volunteer your talent. )