Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 740i Guy, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. 740i Guy

    740i Guy Well-Known Member

    If anyone is interested, here is a quick and basic graphical representation of the West Texas Fertilizer Plant and the immediate surrounding area using Google Earth.

    The yellow area is the general view cone from the camera being held by the individual in a truck looking across a ball field at the plant in the video link. I located his location by using the view in the rear view mirror, google earth street view, the view direction, as well as the limitation of the fence surrounding the ball field. The video is taken around 850 feet and clearly shows the magnitude of the explosion.


    HERE'S A REPORT describing the devastation It shows the apartment building directly west of the plant and the tennis courts. Many of the homes north of the apartments were leveled or heavily damaged.

  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who works for someone who has heavy machinery. The company and workers are headed into that area, donating time, labor and machinery to help everyone.

    Please keep them in your thoughts as I worry about the chemicals all around for everyone.


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