Confession time!!!! Sometimes finding humor in your own truthful confessions or past situations will catch the attention of the "impressionable" which may help them realize just "how funny, stupid, crazy, bad, deadly or risky" a youthful "fun idea" can be and help the "out-of-touch" realize that the average teen today, "ain't so bad"... So for all of the "adults" out there, whether with or without children and whether you are the "rebel without cause", "perfect image presenter", "the absolute naysayer", "the next generation hater", "left or right", "in denial of your past", "goodie two-shoes", "the proud jokester", "the positive perfectionist" or a "Seabee" ....whatever..... What's the worst "teenage stunt" that you performed (or was an accomplice to)???...and whether you were "caught" or not, here's your chance for confession and chance to save others. (Hey, but if you were punished...Do Tell!!!) PS: I almost forgot the disclaimer: "The following acts listed in this post are not real situations. Do not try any stupid acts mentioned in this post even if deemed appropriate by members of this board and do not try at home or anywhere else. (Hopefully) No animals were harmed. Actors were solicited and these confessions are not verified nor the opinion of" ....Did I forget anything? So here's the format of my own confession: Hi, My name is HomeGirl and I have a teenage confession: Long ago, my friends and I (can I suggest mainly my friends??), would go around our neighborhood and kick the bottom of the street post lamps making the bulbs go out....and they would not come back on....and the bulbs had to be replaced by the town....but we were never caught. We also enjoyed "rolling" our friends yards on special occassions. (Rolling=Throwing toilet paper from tree limb to tree limb and covering the trees, bushes, yard, lawn gargoyles, etc. in a blanket of TP). My dad never caught me in the act but the neighbors once told on me....he was very mad that I had wasted his good TP!!! I know there are more confessions out there....and for those not confessing, don't try to "parent" us now!
My friends and I would crank call people and put the phone close to the toilet bowl and flush. We called it the toilet bowl treatment. Wow, that seemed so bad back then. That's nothing compared to what kids are doing now. I have lived a sheltered life.
we used to take people's lawn ornaments, porch ornaments/furniture, holiday decorations, whatever was in the yard or choice....and decorate their neighbors yard with it. :mrgreen:
When i was 17 my friends and i would hang out at my one friends house. He had a finished basement with that cheap wood wall paneling, a pool table, Gotlieb pin ball machine, bar, stereo and dropped ceiling. Well one night two of my friends (one being the person whose house we hung out at) and myself went out to get some street signs to decorate the walls of his finished basement. We had a couple of signs already in the trunk of my car. We were driving around looking for signs in a town two towns away. All of a sudden the blue lights come on behind us and got pulled over. The cop told us there was a series of burglaries in the neighborhood. We told the officer that we were just driving around and that we weren't doing anything wrong. My one friend says to the officer, "If you want you can check the trunk". I was so sure at that moment that were were going to go to jail. Thankfully the officer said no and told us just to go home and stop cruising around. 34 years later, I work in the IT dept of a mapping software company that writes software for local police, fire, EMS. My one friend is an X Ray tech in Upstate NY and my third friend (whose house it was and told the cop to look in the trunk) is a child psychologist in Washington DC.
Ummmmmm, my cousin and I had a little fort in the a small patch of woods, in the middle of the trailer park. We were playing house and had us a little camp fire going. Well, the camp fire got out of control and burned the whole "patch" to the ground. Thankfully, nobody was hurt and the houses (trailers) were not damaged. We ran home and said we saw some boys running out of the woods towards the railroad tracks. :mrgreen: Blame it on the boys!!! :lol: You have no clue how many times I think about this and think.... OMG, that was so dangerous!!!! I have thanked God so many times that nobody was hurt. So some people know who I am on here... is there a statute of limitations on this? Should I be confessing this? YIKES!!!! :mrgreen:
:lol: Don't worry, I tried to make sure that we would be "covered" under the thread topic's "Disclaimer": QUOTE: PS: I almost forgot the disclaimer: "The following acts listed in this post are not real situations. Do not try any stupid acts mentioned in this post even if deemed appropriate by members of this board and do not try at home or anywhere else. (Hopefully) No animals were harmed. Actors were solicited and these confessions are not verified nor the opinion of"
A couple years ago, my friends and i were going to the mall or something, and we had 2 separate cars. I had left first, and decided to surprise them, so i pulled into the round-a-bout infront of their sub division, and cut off the lights to startle them when i came out of nowhere behind them. They came around the turn, and i flipped my lights on and floored it out of the round-a-bout... and everything went according to plan "OH NOES! WHERED HE COME FROM!?" Except the home owners association had a watch out for "hoodlums" from that day on for the twin 4" mud holes i left in their manicured lawn.
I lived in a big city for a while as a kid. At a busy red light intersection near our home I would hide behind a mail box with 2 large metal trash can lids. My brother stood by the telephone pole. When a car stopped at the red light and a second car was approaching my brother would sneak out and push down on the rear bumper of the first car while I smashed the lids together. The second car driver was always laughing when the very mad driver of the first car had gotten out and was approaching them. We’d always shrug our shoulders when the second driver pointed to us. If we saw it may cause a fight, I would pick up the hidden lids, bang them together, and we’d run.
One Christmas me and my cousin would unscrew the lights that decorated a neighbors front door. We'd go down the street and pop them on the road. After several nights of this happening they set up a trip wire and caught us. Even had a deputy sheriff give us a talking to. I never messed with anyone's decorations again! I think I was 13. Definitely old enough to know better. But it was fun while it lasted. :jester:
I used to babysit at a familys home that had a wine cellar and a swimming pool my friend would come with me and after the kids were asleep we would sneak a little of their wine and skinny dip in the pool
I used to hit the Amaretto at the people's house I used to babysit for after the kids went to sleep. I was 15 I think. I went a little too far with it though and got sick as a dog. It was quite a sight I'm sure when they got home...I don't remember much..LOLOL However, I DESPISE Amaretto or anything like it to this day!
After dipping into the medicine cabinet at a friends house who's parents ( his dad was a pharmacist) were on vacation,then going to a party,a friend of mine and I got arrested when we tried to get back into that same friends house later on that night,not knowing that he was still at the party. Had to do community service...