Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Students sent to boot camp to learn technology

    GEAR UP Johnston County hosted the first Technology Boot Camp at North
    Johnston Middle School on Saturday, October 21. Students were introduced
    to NCDesk and reviewed skills necessary to pass the NC Test of Computer
    Skills. They explored the Internet, email, Windows, word processor, spreadsheets,
    and databases. After lunch, parents were invited to learn more about
    the CFNC website (College Foundation of North Carolina) and how to assist
    their child in preparation for college. GEAR UP Johnston County is Gaining
    Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs.
    For more information, call Rose Pittman, Coordinator GEAR UP Johnston County, at 919.398.0566.

    Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest

    The Lions Club Peace Poster Contest is sponsored by Lions Club organizations all over the world in association
    with the United Nations. The theme, “Peace without Borders”, and visual aids of peace symbols encouraged
    students to depict their interpretation of the contest. This year’s winners from Riverwood Middle School
    are Adaria Coulter, first place; Morgan Flanders, second place; and Luisa Nila, third place. Mike Elmore,
    Smithfield Lions Club President, and Lura Grimes, Chairman of Peace Poster Committee, judged the school
    wide competition. Johnston County School’s first place poster winners will be displayed in Smithfield at the
    Public Library from October 28th to November 8th. The first place winning poster from each selection will be
    forwarded to compete at the club, district level, state, national, and international level. The international grand
    award winner will receive a trip award ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations in New York City, a
    cash award of $2,500 and an engraved plaque.
    For more information, please call Magen Pike at Riverwood Middle School, 919.359.2769.

    Market Street Advisors name Smithfield-Selma

    High Schooler ‘Student of the Month’
    Market Street Advisors will be recognizing a Student
    of the Month each month this school year.
    Smithfield-Selma High School student Brad Marcom
    received the award for September, which was
    the first month that the business has given the award.
    Brad received a plaque and a $50 savings bond. His
    Ethics and Leadership teacher, Jennifer Diehl, nominated
    him for the award.
    The award is based on the following criteria:

    • A strong work ethic, striving to achieve fullest potential, going above and beyond what is required or expected
    • A positive attitude both inside and outside of the classroom
    • Readily volunteers time to help others
    • Cooperative and respectful towards others
    • Enthusiastically accepts challenges
    • Reliable

    Mrs. Diehl wrote,"Brad is an excellent role model for others in his class. Leading others by his example, he
    exceeds all behavioral and academic expectations. Academically, he excels in all of his classes, many of which
    are included in the Honors and Academic Program. Best all around describes Brad. Confident, yet humble, he
    is truly an inspiration to others. His quiet charm brightens everyone's day. In my eyes, he not only deserves
    Student of the Month but Student of the Year."
    For more information, please call Jake Jacobs, Principal, at 919.934.5181.

    You can’t hide from McGee’s Middle School 6th graders

    On October 31st, classes of sixth grade Social Studies teacher, Mr. Anderson, learned the intricacies of working
    with Palm PCs. These handheld devices possess GPS capability, being able to track down any absolute
    location on or off school campus using a Global Positioning System. These sixth grade students have been
    adept at hunting down clues set out for them, and on Tuesday, they engaged in a massive scavenger hunt with
    their pocket PCs, unraveling puzzles and exploring the school.
    With each pocket PC weighing only a pound, but costing about $500, Mr. Anderson’s students understood
    that this project required great responsibility. All pocket PCs were stored in a big black box, which carried fifteen
    of them, all borrowed, courtesy of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. This was, for
    most, a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and this exciting project wrapped up the Unit on Geography.
    Each GPS handheld device was in the care of two students, who traversed at their own pace around the soccer
    and baseball fields in search of treasure they could only find with their pocket PCs. Despite the cold weather,
    students enjoyed this challenging, but fun opportunity. After racking their brains to figure out some of the puzzles,
    eight students were crowned champions for completing the competition first.
    For more information, please call Mr. Ross Anderson at 919.894.6003.

    North Johnston Middle Schoolers sample African dance and music

    Djembe Fire will be visiting North Johnston Middle School at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, November 3. This group
    uses the rhythms, drumming, and dancing of Africa to introduce students to the African culture. The purpose
    of the program is to introduce students to the wonderful variety of cultures that exist. The group will perform
    in the school’s gym.
    For more information, please call Melissa Sevigny at 919.284.3374. The Artists-in-the-Schools Program is
    supported by the Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and
    corporate, foundation and individual donors. This program is modeled on the Artists in the Schools program
    of the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County and is supported in part by services provided
    by United Arts.

    Exploration Day brings field trip presenters to South Smithfield campus

    Many local, state and national agencies will be on the South Smithfield Elementary School campus on Friday,
    November 3rd, to allow hands-on learning opportunities. Guest speakers will be on hand from Langley Space
    Center (NASA), the Museum of Life and Science, the Ava Gardner Museum, the Tobacco and Farm Life Museum and many local artists and musicians. Exploration Day allows students to experience many hands-on activities
    in science and social studies. Students also get to meet guest speakers who are very knowledgeable in
    areas such as music and art.
    For more information, please call Kathy Hamilton at 919.934.8979.

    Meadow Elementary sponsoring fundraiser to benefit Breast Cancer patient

    October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Meadow Elementary School has a 5th grade student,
    Lacey Blevins, whose mother is fighting breast cancer at this time. Chris Blevins, age 34, recently delivered a
    baby prematurely in order to start her chemo-therapy treatments. Family and friends are sponsoring a barbecue
    chicken dinner to raise funds for the Blevins family. Plates will include barbecue chicken, green beans, potatoes,
    a roll, cake slice and a beverage. The cost is $6 per plate. The fundraiser will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday,
    November 4, 2006, at First Federal Bank on Highway 421 and 301 in Dunn. Please consider purchasing
    a plate or making a donation. Contact the office at Meadow to purchase tickets.
    For more information, please call Darene Honeycutt at 919.894.7064.

    Superintendent to host Ministers’ Meeting in South Johnston and West Johnston areas
    Superintendent Dr. Anthony Parker will host a Ministers' Meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, November 6, in
    the Conference Room at South Johnston High School. Ministers from the South Johnston and West Johnston
    attendance areas including: Benson Elementary, Benson Middle, Dixon Road
    Elementary, Four Oaks Elementary,
    Four Oaks Middle, McGee's Crossroads Elementary, McGee's Crossroads Middle, Meadow, South Johnston
    High, and West Johnston High, are invited to attend.
    For more information, please call Lori Dixon or Carolyn G. Ennis at 934.6032, ext. 242 or 257.

    Third graders at River Dell Elementary School seeing stars
    River Dell Elementary School third graders are getting a lesson from the Starlab portable planetarium provided
    by the county. The lesson supports the third grade standard course of study in science. The planetarium will be
    set up in the Media Center from 12:30-2:45 on November 6-9.
    For more information, please call Fred Roberts at 919.553.1977.

    Four Oaks Elementary School to host Book Fair
    The Four Oaks Elementary School PTA will host a Scholastic Book Fair through Tuesday, Nov. 7.
    For more information, please call Amy Johnson, Wendy Barbour, or Jill Parrish at 919.963.2165.

    Systemwide Dates to Remember
    Report cards will go out on November 7.
    November calendar exciting for Polenta Elementary School’s kindergarteners
    November 7th-- All kindergarten classes will have 50s Day.
    November 17--All kindergarten classes will have a Thanksgiving Feast from 1 p.m. until
    2 p.m..
    November 21--All kindergarten classes will have a Thanksgiving play in the Multipurpose Room.
    For more information, please call Deborah Bennett at 919.989.6039.
    Ribbon Cutting to be held at West View Elementary _
    The Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Ribbon Cutting at West View Elementary
    School at 9 a.m. on November 7th. All parents and community members are invited to attend.
    For more information, please call Brian Vetrano, Principal, at 919.661.6184.

    Ice cream is sweet reward for outstanding character at Meadow Elementary

    Meadow Elementary School will hold an Ice Cream Social at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, November 8, 2006, to
    recognize the monthly character education winners from each classroom. Outstanding character traits were
    recognized by peers and faculty members in these students. Meadow would like to reward these students with
    ice cream and a chance to socialize with their friends. Parents are also invited to celebrate with their children
    on this special day.
    For more information, please call Darene Honeycutt at 919.894.7064.

    Time for Scholastic Book Fair at West Smithfield Elementary
    The West Smithfield Elementary School PTO is hosting a fall Scholastic Book Fair from Wednesday, November
    8th, until Wednesday, Nov. 15th. Family night, which coincides with the school's "Reading Night",
    will take place on Thursday, November 9th, from 5:30 until 7 p.m. The theme for reading night will be "down
    on the farm". The PTO will be selling a light dinner beginning at 5:45 in the cafetorium. The students and parents
    will then have the opportunity to go to several different classrooms and hear staff members read their favorite
    farm book. The event will end at 7:30 with the announcement of door prize winners.
    For more information, please call Vanessa Watson, Jennifer Hudson, Angela Sutton, Melanie O'dell or
    Ginger Stanley at 919.989.6418.

    Four Oaks Elementary School yearbooks at discounted price for limited time
    The Four Oaks Elementary School PTA will be having a 2006-07 yearbook presale through November 10.
    Yearbooks will be $25.00 during the presale. After Nov. 10, the price will be $30.00.
    For more information, please call Jill Parrish at 919.963.2165.

    JCS to host Veterans’ Day Celebration
    Johnston County Schools invites veterans who live in Johnston County to “A Salute To Our Veterans” at
    Smithfield-Selma High School at 11 a.m. on Veterans’ Day, Saturday, November 11, 2006. An all-county
    band, chorus, and Jr. ROTC unit will conduct an hour-long program. In addition, General Hugh Shelton, a four
    star general who served in many capacities, most notably as the 14th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, will be the
    featured speaker.
    For more information, please call Crystal Roberts, Public Information Officer, at 919.934.6031.

    Meadow Elementary students to observe Great American Smokeout
    In observance of the “Great American Smokeout”, 6th grade students at Meadow Elementary School will hear
    a presentation on, “The Dangers and Harmful Effects of Cigarette Smoking.” The presentation is scheduled to
    take place at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 16, 2006, in the school’s gym.
    For more information, please call Karla Denning, School Counselor, at 919.894.4226.

    Greg Gelb Band to ‘swing’ by Four Oaks Middle School

    A concert by the "Greg Gelb Swing Band" will be held at Four Oaks Middle School at 1:30 p.m. on Friday,
    November 17, in the gym. Greg Gelb leads a jazz group of eight musicians. Students will learn about the history,
    techniques, and unique characteristics of jazz and the genre of a jazz band.
    For more information, please call Pat Bridgers at 919.963.4022.

    Meadow School PTA to hold annual Fall Festival fundraiser

    The Meadow School PTA is sponsoring its annual Fall Festival fundraiser on Friday, November 17, 2006.
    Food will be served at 5 p.m. There will be games from 6-8 p.m. and a dance from 8-10 p.m. This event allows
    students and their families to have a fun-filled evening at an affordable price. The PTA is able to provide
    Meadow Elementary with many resources that the school does not have in its budget.
    For more information, please call Robin Barefoot at 919.894.4226.

    Superintendent to host Ministers’ Meeting in Smithfield-Selma High area

    Superintendent Dr. Anthony Parker will host a Ministers' Meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, November 20, in
    the Conference Room at Selma Middle School. Ministers from the Smithfield-Selma attendance area including:
    Corinth Holders, Selma Elementary, Selma Middle, Smithfield-Selma High, Smithfield Middle, South
    Smithfield Elementary, West Smithfield Elementary, Wilson's Mills Elementary, South Campus Community
    Middle, South Campus Community High, and Johnston County Middle College High, are invited to attend.
    For more information, please call Lori Dixon or Carolyn G. Ennis 934.6032, ext. 242 or 257.

    Student artwork featured in Johnston Memorial Hospital Pediatrics Unit

    The Johnston County Arts Council and Johnston Memorial Hospital invite you to attend the “Student Art Exhibit
    for the Pediatrics Unit.” Artwork from students at the AIG Center will be on display through November
    25, 2006. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
    For more information, please call Sue Booker, Art teacher, at 919.934.9529.

    Empty Bowl at Polenta Elementary School to benefit hungry

    Polenta Elementary School will have its annual EMPTY BOWL project which will be held from 8 a.m. to 4
    p.m. on December 14. Ceramic bowls and Christmas ornaments will be bartered off for food items and
    money. The art club will be working hard to make these items. All proceeds will go to the North Carolina
    Food Banks.
    For more information, please call Nancy Nettles, Principal, at 919.989.6039.

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