Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Reaching in pocket to remind U.S. Troops of home thanks to Meadow School (New)
    Meadow School students in Mr. Jackson Temple’s 7th grade Social Studies class folded 300 miniature U.S.
    flags and placed them in bags with a note reading:
    "A flag for your pocket so you can always carry a little piece of home. We are
    praying for you and we are proud of you. Thank you for defending our country
    and our freedom.”
    This project took place the week before Veteran's Day. Mr. Temple works often with the American Legion
    Auxiliary Unit 109 in teaching U.S. History and citizenship. Mr. Temple and Meadow School continuously do
    projects for U.S. troops.
    For more information, please contact Jackson Temple at 919.894.4226 or see

    Riverwood Middle School students learn history through reenacting (New)
    Social Studies teacher Mr. Doug Pawlak is currently leading his students through a reenactment of the mock
    trial of the British soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre. Jury member “students” will decide if it
    was murder or self defense. The prosecution team is lead by Kelsey Boykin, Lindsey Tippett, Raven Greer and
    Michael Hall. The defense team consists of Justin Mourfield, Tyler Lindley, Victoria Montgomery and Christian
    Pettus. Students will learn that the Boston Massacre took place in March, 1770, when British soldiers fired
    on a mob of American colonists resulting in five deaths. This helped stir resentment and anger towards the
    British government which culminated with the American Revolution.
    For more information, please contact Mr. Pawlak at 919.359.2769.

    Sixth graders at Riverwood Middle School win battle over pennies (New)
    The Junior Beta Club of Riverwood Middle School recently sponsored Penny Wars, a service project to raise
    money for the American Red Cross. In three days, the school raised close to $2,100. Each grade level “battles”
    the other grade levels by placing pennies, paper money and checks into their own bank of money. The battle
    gets interesting because silver money subtracts from each grade level’s total.
    In the end, the sixth grade hall blew away the competition and will be enjoying a “RAP” party – recess and
    popsicles. Penny Wars has become an annual event at the school. In three years, Riverwood Middle School
    and the Beta Club have raised over $6,000. The club’s next service project, Giving Tree, begins in two weeks.
    During that time, wrapped gifts for area families are brought in by members and are then delivered in time for
    the holiday season. Last year, the club helped 20 families in the Clayton area. The goal of the Beta Club is to
    promote character and develop leadership skills as well as encourage service involvement. Membership in the
    Junior Beta Club is based on grades and conduct – 90% overall average, no grade lower than an 85, and good
    For more information, visit or call Jeni Wiley, Beta Club Advisor at Riverwood Middle
    School, at 919.359.2769.

    North Johnston High School HOSA Club raises money for autism and cancer (New)

    HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) Week was a great success at North Johnston High School.
    Students raised approximately $400 for autism and cancer. The club is collecting new toys for needy children
    in Johnston County for Christmas as well as participating in a food drive and diaper collection. Several HOSA
    students will be attending the Regional Competition at West Johnston High School on Nov. 18.
    For more information, please call Pat Sasser at 919.284.2031.
    Clayton High School’s Ladies of Vision club visit the sick (New)
    Clayton High School’s Ladies of Vision club, sponsored by Lynette
    Barber and Sandy Sanders, visit the Brian Center in Clayton every
    month. Club members visit patients and staff to provide a day of fun
    filled activities such as poems, songs and even provide stuffed animals
    to show the patients that they care about them.
    For more information, please contact Marlon Lee at

    McTeachers Night raises funds for Princeton School (New)

    McDonalds of Selma hosted Princeton School parents, teachers, and
    students to a McTeachers Night as a PTO fundraiser. Teachers, students
    and their families enjoyed an evening of special treats that
    raised more than $500 for Princeton School PTO. The PTO will use
    the proceeds to support teachers and school projects.
    For more information, please call Kirk Denning, Principal, at

    Grants awarded to Johnston County Schools (New)
    The Aileen S. Andrew Foundation of Smithfield recently donated $5,000 to Johnston County Schools. The
    funds will be used to bring middle school students to The Alice Aycock Poe Center for Health Education in
    Raleigh for in-house interactive nutrition and physical activity lessons to ensure a positive change in behavior
    through a range of practical applications.
    The Johnston County School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) received a $5,000 mini-grant from the North
    Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NCAAHPERD) to pilot
    the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) program in Johnston County Schools. In the 2005-
    2006 school year, Johnston County Schools had over 140 suicide ideations -- students who either attempted
    suicide, discussed suicide, or wrote notes about suicide. ASIST provides practical training for caregivers seeking
    to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. The emphasis of the ASIST model is on suicide first-aid and on
    helping students stay safe and seek further help.
    For more information, please contact Dr. Oliver Johnson at 919.934.9810, ext. 234.

    North Johnston Middle School finds creative ways to raise money for United Way (New)
    North Johnston Middle School was on a quest to find
    new ways to raise money for United Way. This year, the
    school had a staff/student volleyball game and a silent auction.
    The first fundraiser was the volleyball game. It was
    the NJMS Lady Jaguars Volleyball Team vs. NJMS staff.
    It was held after school on Wednesday October 25. Admission
    was $1 and concessions were sold at the game. The
    game started at 4:00 and ended around 5:20. Many staff
    members were involved in this fundraiser. The cheerleaders
    for the game were teachers: Krysty Williams, Kay
    Howell, and Emmie Fitzgerald. The staff running the concession
    stand was: Mona Finch, Cindy Pettigrew, and Jennifer
    Peele. Gatekeepers were staff members: Pat Narron
    and Marci Lamm. Staff members who kept score were Jennifer Davis and Melissa Sevigny. Former NJMS students
    were the line judges and the referee. The staff volleyball members included: Ray Stott (principal),
    Haywood Watson (assistant principal), Rhonda Johnson, Gary Boyd, Emily Vann, Kathy Pipkin, Garfield
    Baker, Jody Edwards, Heather Anders, Chan Hales, and Amanda Surratt. To get prepared the faculty had practice
    on Tuesday before the game. Practice must have been the key to success for the staff. The staff showed up
    ready to play on Wednesday. The final score was NJMS staff winning 3 out of 4 games. Jody Edwards had
    some key plays at the net. Garfield Baker served the ball with power. Emily Vann sacrificed herself to save
    the ball from hitting the floor numerous times. The overall fundraiser brought in over $230. The money collected
    was divided between athletics and United Way. This was not only a fundraiser but an opportunity for
    the staff and faculty to bond while getting a little extra physical activity.

    The last portion of the school’s United Way fundraising events was a silent auction. Everyone on staff was
    encouraged to bring items in for donation to the auction. The items were placed on the stage in the cafeteria
    for all faculty/staff to bid on during school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (Nov. 1, 2, 3). The bidding
    closed at 3:15 on Friday afternoon. Bidding sheets were placed beside of each item stating the item and who
    donated it to the auction. Before the bidding began everyone on staff was given a bidding number so that nobody
    knew who they were bidding against. This helped in keeping the excitement of the auction. This was the
    school’s second year raising money for United Way through a silent auction. The faculty/staff seemed to really
    enjoy this fundraising idea. This year, the silent auction raised over $600. This was another way to promote
    faculty and staff bonding.
    For more information, please contact Amanda Surratt at 919.284.3374.

    South Johnston High School names scholarship nominees (New)

    Crystal N. Raynor has been nominated by South Johnston High School as this year’s Centennial Scholarship
    Nominee for North Carolina State University College of Textiles.
    Joanna Tart has been nominated as this year’s Strickland Scholarship Competition Nominee for Campbell
    Stephen Parker, Sarah Core and Samantha Surles have been nominated as this year’s Morehead Nominees
    for the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Each student was selected based on the criteria set forth by
    Daniel Page and Heather Thornton have been nominated by SJHS as this year’s Park Scholarship Nominees
    for North Carolina State University. Each student was selected based on the criteria set forth by NCSU.
    For more information, please call Brandy Owen, Scholarship Chair, at 919.894.3146, ext. 1109 or email her

    Winners of the Lion’s Club Annual Peace Poster Contest Announced (New)

    First Place—(will represent Johnston County Schools at district competition)
    Adaria Coulter, Riverwood Middle School
    Art Teacher, Magen Pike
    Second Place—
    Katie Mullins, Clayton Middle School
    Art Teacher, Deborah Coates
    Third Place—
    Tonia Taylor, Selma Middle School
    Art Teacher, Walter Alligood
    For more information, please call Magen Pike at Riverwood Middle School, 919.359.2769.

    A Festival of Drums and Percussion comes to South Smithfield Elementary School

    Braima Moiwai, an artist from Sierra Leone, West Africa, will share a program of African music with the students
    of South Smithfield Elementary School during the week of November 13-17. His week long residency
    will afford every class in the school an opportunity to work with Mr. Moiwai in a small class situation. Mr.
    Moiwai is a freelance artist from Sierra Leone, West Africa, based in Durham, NC. He is a story teller and musician
    who specializes in the oral tradition of the coastal regions of West Africa. He will provide hands on
    drumming and percussion techniques for students and will share games, dances, songs and stories from his
    homeland of West Africa. This residency was arranged by the Cultural Arts Committee at the school and supported
    by the South Smithfield Elementary PTA, and a grant from Artist-in-the-Schools, with support from the
    Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and corporate, foundation
    and individual donors. This program is modeled on the Artist-in-the-Schools program of the United Arts
    Council of Raleigh and Wake County and is supported in part by services provided by United Arts. The program
    will highlight African music and the instruments of West Africa.
    For more information, please call Judy Daniels at 919.934.8979.

    November calendar exciting for Polenta Elementary School’s kindergarteners

    November 17--All kindergarten classes will have a Thanksgiving Feast from 1 p.m. until
    2 p.m.
    November 21--All kindergarten classes will have a Thanksgiving play in the Multipurpose Room.
    For more information, please call Deborah Bennett at 919.989.6039.
    Meadow Elementary to hold diabetes fundraiser during month of November
    Superintendent Dr. Anthony Parker asked that each school raise at least $1 per student for diabetes. Meadow’s
    goal is to raise a minimum of $560. The school will have "Coins for a Cure" jars placed throughout the school
    for donations. The school will also sponsor several promotional days to raise additional funds: Friday, November
    17, students can pay $1 to wear sunglasses to school on "Shade Out Diabetic Day." Tuesday, November
    21, students may pay $2 to dress tacky on "Tacky Day."
    For more information, please call Karla Parker in the Guidance Department at 919.894.4226.
    Greg Gelb Band to ‘swing’ by Four Oaks Middle School
    A concert by the "Greg Gelb Swing Band" will be held at Four Oaks Middle School at 1:30 p.m. on Friday,
    November 17, in the gym. Greg Gelb leads a jazz group of eight musicians. Students will learn about the history,
    techniques, and unique characteristics of jazz and the genre of a jazz band.
    For more information, please call Pat Bridgers at 919.963.4022.


    Meadow School PTA to hold annual Fall Festival fundraiser
    The Meadow School PTA is sponsoring its annual Fall Festival fundraiser on Friday, November 17, 2006.
    Food will be served at 5 p.m. There will be games from 6-8 p.m. and a dance from 8-10 p.m. This event allows
    students and their families to have a fun-filled evening at an affordable price. The PTA is able to provide

    Meadow Elementary with many resources that the school does not have in its budget.
    For more information, please call Robin Barefoot at 919.894.4226.

    Benson Middle School offering chance to win $5,000 (New)

    The Benson Middle School PTO will be having a reverse raffle at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 17, in the
    school cafeteria. Ticket holders are entitled to a steak dinner for two and a chance to win $5,000. Tickets are
    For more information, please contact Janet Glover, Secretary/Treasurer, at 919.894.4155.

    Superintendent to host Ministers’ Meeting in Smithfield-Selma

    High area Superintendent Dr. Anthony
    Parker will host a Ministers' Meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, November 20, in the Conference Room at
    Selma Middle School. Ministers from the Smithfield-Selma attendance area including: Corinth Holders,
    Selma Elementary, Selma Middle, Smithfield-Selma High, Smithfield Middle, South Smithfield Elementary,
    West Smithfield Elementary, Wilson's Mills Elementary, South Campus Community Middle, South Campus
    Community High, and Johnston County Middle College High, are invited to attend.
    For more information, please call Lori Dixon or Carolyn G. Ennis 934.6032, ext. 242 or 257.

    First graders learn about Native Americans at West View Elementary School (New)

    Michele Myers first grade class will be having a Native American celebration. The children will sing, recite a
    poem, perform a Cherokee dance, and present information about Native Americans in our country. The show
    will take place at 1:15 p.m. on November 21 and will be followed by refreshments.
    For more information, please call Michele Myers at 919.661.6184.

    Meadow School fundraiser rescheduled from Nov. 14th to Nov. 21st (Change in Date)

    Additional funds are needed to support parent involvement projects at Meadow Elementary School. The school
    has teamed with the Smithfield Golden Corral to sponsor a School Spirit Night where Golden Corral donates
    $1 for each Meadow customer eating dinner on Tuesday night, November 21, 2006. Customers must present
    a special coupon with their order for Meadow to redeem the $1 donation. Coupons will be distributed to all
    students. Additional coupons are available upon request.
    For more information, please call Frank Swinyer, Principal, at 919.894.7064.
    Student artwork featured in Johnston Memorial Hospital Pediatrics Unit
    The Johnston County Arts Council and Johnston Memorial Hospital invite you to attend the “Student Art Exhibit
    for the Pediatrics Unit.” Artwork from students at the AIG Center will be on display through November
    25, 2006. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
    For more information, please call Sue Booker, Art teacher, at 919.934.9529.

    Native American storyteller to visit Meadow School (New)

    Lloyd Arneach, a Native American storyteller, will be visiting Meadow School at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, November
    29.Grades K-5 are invited to attend. Mr. Arneach was born and raised on the Cherokee Reservation.
    He has been telling stories in schools since 1990.The Native American Storyteller was selected by the Artists
    in the Schools committee because Native American culture is studied in the 5th grade curriculum. This event
    will take place in the school gym.
    For more information, please contact Darene Honeycutt at 919.894.7064.

    December Dates to remember for Polenta Elementary School

    December 8—The 3rd Grade Chorus will perform at the Festival of Trees at 11 a.m. in Smithfield. For more
    information, please call Susan Marler.
    December 12—As part of the Artist-in-the-Schools program, Felix Pitre will share many of the Hispanic traditions
    that were passed down to him from his own family. The program includes stories and songs from Latin
    America, bringing to life the culture of Latin America with instruments, dance and language, performed in
    English interwoven with Spanish words and phrases. Children will enjoy stories such as Juan Bobo and Paco
    & the Witch, and sing along with a sign-language song as well as familiar classics, and even play along with
    Latin American instruments.
    December 14 –The 3rd Grade Chorus will perform a Holiday Classic at 7 p.m. during the PTA Meeting.
    For more information, please Nancy Nettles, Principal, at 919.989.6039.

    Selma Elementary School Chorus goes on tour (New)

    The Selma Elementary School Chorus will be going ‘on tour’ to area nursing homes to show compassion and
    enrich the lives of senior citizens and the elderly by performing holiday music. Performances will take place
    on Wed., Dec. 13, at various times. The times and locations are as follows: 9:00 at Unity House in Selma; 9:30
    at Selma Library; 10:15 at Selma Senior Center; 11:00 at JMH; 11:45 at Golden Corral for lunch; 1:15 at Carolina
    House; and 2:00 at Smithfield Manor.
    For more information, please contact Jeannie Barnes at 919.965.3361.

    Empty Bowl at Polenta Elementary School to benefit hungry

    Polenta Elementary School will have its annual EMPTY BOWL project which will be held from 8 a.m. to 4
    p.m. on December 14. Ceramic bowls and Christmas ornaments will be bartered off for food items and
    money. The art club will be working hard to make these items. All proceeds will go to the North Carolina
    Food Banks.
    For more information, please call Nancy Nettles, Principal, at 919.989.6039

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