Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Cooper Elementary School 2nd graders support Breast Cancer Awareness (New)
    (PHOTO—Cooper)Ms. Lawrence’s 2nd grade Cooper Elementary School class observed Breast Cancer Awareness month in October by collecting Yoplait yogurt lids. They collected 150 lids resulting in raising $15 dollars for “Save Lids to Save Lives”. In addition, the class created a special card for Mrs. Dedi Bateman of Raleigh. Mrs. Bateman is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer that has come out of remission. By participating in this project, the students in Ms. Lawrence’s class learned how to be responsible citizens. Ms. Lawrence said “any gesture, no matter how small, can make a big difference in the life of someone else.”
    For more information, please call Ms. Lawrence at 919.553.0256.
    Front row: (left to right)
    Crystal Pratt, Sean Anderson, Alexis Fry
    2nd row: (left to right)
    Mahki Hardy, Trevor Cole, Michell Reyna, Morgan Stough, Jacob Scott, Andrew Amaya, Lakeisha Johnson
    3rd row (left to right)
    Joshua Tutt, Christion Pinkney, Ms. Lawrence, Ginna Maldonado, Jason Morales, Kameron Bridgers, Kayla Winstead

    South Smithfield Elementary School collecting food and money for causes (New)
    South Smithfield Elementary School is sponsoring a canned food drive to assist The Salvation Army during the Christmas season.

    South Smithfield's students and staff have raised $735 for Juvenile Diabetes. The students raised money by selling homework passes and the opportunity to wear a cap to school for $1. The teachers bought "wear jeans to work" passes as well. The school surpassed its goal by $200.
    For more information, please call Carla Taylor, Principal, at 919.934.8979.

    Lots of exciting things are going on at Dixon Road Elementary (New)
    On Tuesday, November 14, 2006, Dixon Road Elementary School went completely “wild” as Dan Breeding from Wild Animal Encounters Inc. brought wild animals by to visit the school. The Dixon Road Elementary School PTA sponsored the assembly for the awesome job the students did in participating in a school-wide fundraiser this year. Students who had top sales got V.I.P. seating and a chance to pet a live crocodile. All students in the school had an opportunity to see not only this live crocodile, but a playful ape and a wise old owl.

    On Monday, November 20, 2006, the Dixon Road Elementary School PTA sponsored a Build-A-Bear Workshop for students who were top sellers in the PTA fundraiser. Students were given the opportunity to create a stuffed bear “from scratch”, which included selecting a bear, stuffing it, sewing it up and giving the bear a special name. The students would have made Santa’s elves very proud, as they each took such care and detail in creating a special bear to take home.

    Dixon Road Elementary School has recently completed the first nine weeks of instruction, and the school has been all a buzz with congratulating students that have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and perfect attendance. Various classrooms and grade levels have joined with school personnel and parents to conduct award ceremonies to recognize these students of distinction. Dixon Road Elementary recognized 175 students in kindergarten through fifth grade who earned perfect attendance certificates. Twelve top students in third grade through fifth grade were named to the Principal’s List for earning all A’s the first nine weeks. Eighty five students in third grade through fifth grade were named to the Honor Roll for earning all A’s and B’s this first nine weeks. Dixon Road Elementary is off to a winning start.
    For more information, please call Candy Williams, Principal, at 919.894.7771.

    Benson Elementary students walk to cure diabetes (New)
    Benson Elementary School students walked and wore their favorite cap. The walk helped teach students and teachers about juvenile diabetes and how to help someone else who has the disease. It also promoted healthy eating and physical fitness. The students raised more than $524 to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
    For more information, please call Doug Stevens, physical education teacher, at 919.894.4223.

    Money pours in to Cleveland Elementary for Cure of Diabetes (New)
    Cleveland Elementary students have raised more than $l,013 for the Cure for Diabetes drive in just seven days. The drive will conclude at the PTA meeting in December.
    For more information, please call Betty Bennett, Assistant Principal, at 919.550.2700.

    GEAR UP invades Pirate territory (New)
    (PHOTO-Gear Up) On Thursday, November 16, Johnston County GEAR UP and AVID students invaded Pirate territory at East Carolina University, spreading the purple and gold spirit throughout Greenville. These 75 students from Benson Middle, North Johnston Middle, and South Johnston High School, experienced first hand the excitement of college life and all it has to offer. As 8th and 9th grade students, for many, this was their first trip to Greenville and most had never visited a college or university.
    The students were greeted by ECU representatives as well as student speakers. The question / answer session was quite informative. Students were excited to learn about student activities, classes, and especially living arrangements. Most were shocked that they would have to wash their own clothes and wake themselves up for classes.
    The GEAR UP group’s excitement exploded when one of their own GEAR UP students from Benson Middle School, Erasto Simmons, introduced his cousin, an honor student who is a starter on the ECU football team. He enlightened all about the enormous responsibilities he has to his studies as well as his team and coach. Pirate pride was intense and it was great that the ECU football team was having such success this season.
    The day ended with a tour of the campus and lunch with ECU students in the dining hall. GEAR UP students sat side by side with ECU students, asking question after question. One student commented, “I can’t believe I can have a Coke and don’t have to drink milk for lunch in the cafeteria….Isn’t college great!”
    GEAR UP – Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs. GEAR UP is a program that works with the current 8th grade students at Benson Middle School and North Johnston Middle School from now until they graduate. These students will have assistance in decision making in high school as well as appropriate choices for college and careers.
    For more information, please call Rose Pittman, GEAR UP Partnership Coordinator at
    919.284.3374 or 919.920.9238.

    Benson GEAR UP students attend JCC for a day (New)
    (PHOTO—Gear Up 2)After returning from Thanksgiving on Monday, 18 GEAR UP
    Benson Middle students traveled to Johnston Community College in hopes of experiencing life as a college student. Excitement was in the air with the anticipation of working with the Art Department at JCC.
    Upon arrival, the students were given a tour of the Community College by Maria Hailey, recruiter for JCC. They had a chance to walk on the stage and experience the view from the JCC auditorium where such acts as Tony Orlando and Three Dog Night have performed. The light technicians explained lighting, curtains, and scenery needed for these large performances. Currently, they were setting up for the County Music Christmas Show.
    The students then moved to the Art Department where director John Byrd talked about the Chili Bowl fundraiser that has just passed. He showed the pottery bowls that were made and sold on campus. The classrooms in the art department were filled with paintings, sculptures, photography and pottery. The students watched as artists worked on their pieces asking questions about technique, style, and level of difficulty.
    Finally, the students filed in to the classroom where drafting, drawing, and design is studied. All students were given art materials and were instructed by Mr. Byrd in technique and style of drawing and design. The students were given the opportunity to work independently and create their unique artwork.
    This trip was a valuable experience for all who participated! GEAR UP for College!
    GEAR UP – Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
    GEAR UP is a program that works with the current 8th grade students at Benson Middle School and North Johnston Middle School from now until they graduate. These students will have assistance in decision making in high school as well as appropriate choices for college and careers.
    For more information, please call Rose Pittman, GEAR UP Partnership Coordinator, at 919.284.3374 or 919.920.9238.

    UPCOMING EVENTS________________________________________________

    Winter festivities underway at Meadow Elementary School
    A Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place on the Meadow School grounds (Meet at the Christmas Tree in front of the Elementary wing) at 4 p.m. on Sunday, December 3, 2006. The Meadow community is known for its spectacular display of Christmas lights. The Meadow Women's Club holds an annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on the grounds of Meadow School which provides the school with a beautiful outdoor Christmas tree. The school band will perform and Little Miss Meadow, Tori Johnson, will have the honor of officially lighting the Christmas tree. A reception will follow immediately. All activities are held outdoors so dress appropriately. The ceremony is open to the public.
    For more information, please call Janet Pope, Assistant Principal, at 919.894.7064.

    It is a tradition at Meadow School for the 2nd grade students to prepare a Winter Musical for the December PTA Meeting. This year’s performance will take place at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 4, 2006, in the school gym.
    For more information, please call 2nd grade teachers, Beth Gurganious, Mary Helen Sills, or Nancy Webster, at 919.894.7064.

    It is a school tradition for the Meadow Band to hold a Winter Concert. This year, the concert will take place at 7 p.m. on December 12, 2006, in the school gym.
    For more information, please call Kevin Sevigny, Band Director, at 919.894.7064.

    Spartan Voices to be heard in concert (New)
    The Smithfield Selma High School Spartan Voices will be in concert on Monday, December 4, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at the Governor's Mansion in the Ballroom, as a part of the Governor's Mansion annual Christmas Open House. The SSS Spartan Voices will be performing their Winter Concert on Tuesday, December 12, at 7:30 p.m., in the Selma Elementary School auditorium.
    For more information, please call Dolores J. Barrett, Chorus Director, at 919.934.5191.

    Riverwood Middle School Chorus sings the message that “Christmas Comes from the Heart” (New)
    Come one come all on Tuesday, December 5, the Riverwood Middle School Chorus will be holding its annual Christmas Concert at 7 p.m. at the Clayton Center, located in downtown Clayton. Please come and join the chorus in singing in the Christmas season. Various styles of music will be performed by the chorus which would like for you to know that “Christmas Comes From the Heart.”

    The Riverwood Middle School Chorus will be participating in the Christmas in Riverwood Festival on Friday, December 8, 2006. Events are scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. and will conclude at 8:30 p.m. Activities will include: carriage rides, live Nativity scene, community caroling, tree lighting, brass choir, and Santa reading the Christmas story. Come out and help spread some Christmas cheer around the Riverwood community.
    For more information, please call Candace Westbrook, Choral Director, at 919.359.2769.

    Schools participate in Festival of Trees (New)
    The SSS Spartan Voices will be performing at the Johnston Medical Mall on Saturday, December 2, at 3:00 p.m. as a part of the Johnston County's 3rd Annual "Festival of Trees."

    Students from Four Oaks Elementary School will perform at the Festival of Trees at the Johnston Medical Mall in Smithfield on Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

    North Johnston Middle School students in Mrs. Peedin’s chorus class will be performing at the 3rd annual “Festival of the Trees”, “The Magic of Christmas” at 10 a.m. on December 7, 2006, at the Medical Mall in Smithfield. “The Magic of Christmas” is sponsored by Keep Johnston County Beautiful, Inc. Daily from November 30, 2006 through Friday December 8th, there will be entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. Admission is free.

    McGee's Elementary Chorus will perform for the Festival of Trees at the Johnston Medical Mall in Smithfield from 1-2 p.m. on December 8, 2006. The school invites the community to come and enjoy the students’ holiday performance.

    The South Smithfield Elementary School Chorus will be performing at the Festival of Trees on December 8, 2006, at 10 a.m.

    December 8—The 3rd Grade Chorus will perform at the Festival of Trees at 11 a.m. in Smithfield. For more information, please call Susan Marler.

    South Smithfield Elementary School will have a Christmas tree on display at the Festival of Trees through December 10th. The students have made decorations representing the wonderful cultures at South Smithfield and named the tree "The Faces of Christmas".
    The tree sponsors are Lisa and Mark McMillen of Smithfield.
    A complete listing of the schools is attached. For more information, please call Carolyn Ennis at 919.934.6031, extension 257.

    McGee's Crossroads Elementary School News (New)
    The annual McGee's Elementary School and Community Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place at 6:30 p.m. on December 8, 2006, at the school. The night will feature the school chorus and the PTA is sponsoring a local arts and craft show for the community to enjoy and do some holiday shopping.

    The McGee's Elementary Student Council is sponsoring their annual Salvation Army Food Drive through December 13, 2006. The school’s goal again this year is to collect several hundred pounds of food. The Student Council theme this year is "McGee's Students Are Food Bandits for the Needy." The school is encouraging students and families to bring in canned goods and paper products to help fill the many large containers placed throughout the school building.
    For more information, please call Vicky Temple-Rains, Assistant Principal, at 919.894.7161.

    Join the festivities at Riverwood Middle School this month (New)
    The Riverwood Middle School 7th and 8th grade band will be performing for the first time in the Clayton Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 9, 2006, beginning at 3 p.m. on Main Street.

    Riverwood Middle School will be hosting their annual Winter Band Concert on Tuesday,
    December 19, at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium of Riverwood Middle School. The 6th grade band, 7th grade band and 8th grade band will be performing. Come enjoy an evening of festive music.
    For more information, please call Chris Germanoski, Band Director, at 919.359.2769.

    December Dates to remember for Polenta Elementary School
    December 12—As part of the Artist-in-the-Schools program, Felix Pitre will share many of the Hispanic traditions that were passed down to him from his own family. The program includes stories and songs from Latin America, bringing to life the culture of Latin America with instruments, dance and language, performed in English interwoven with Spanish words and phrases. Children will enjoy stories such as Juan Bobo and Paco & the Witch, and sing along with a sign-language song as well as familiar classics, and even play along with Latin American instruments.

    December 14 –The 3rd Grade Chorus will perform a Holiday Classic at 7 p.m. during the PTA Meeting.
    For more information, please Nancy Nettles, Principal, at 919.989.6039.

    Johnston County Middle College High School (New)
    Johnston County Middle College High School cordially invites you to join its first annual Senior Project Showcase to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2006, in the Great Hall of the Tart Building located on the campus of Johnston Community College. The Showcase will exhibit Senior Project Products in an expo style. It will serve as an opportunity for businesses to prospect for future employees and internships and will introduce seniors to the business and professional community.
    For more information, please call Amelia McLeod, Principal, at 919.989.6208.

    Selma Elementary School Chorus goes on tour
    The Selma Elementary School Chorus will be going ‘on tour’ to area nursing homes to show compassion and enrich the lives of senior citizens and the elderly by performing holiday music. Performances will take place on Wed., Dec. 13, at various times. The times and locations are as follows: 9:00 at Unity House in Selma; 9:30 at Selma Library; 10:15 at Selma Senior Center; 11:00 at JMH; 11:45 at Golden Corral for lunch; 1:15 at Carolina House; and 2:00 at Smithfield Manor.
    For more information, please contact Jeannie Barnes at 919.965.3361.

    Empty Bowl at Polenta Elementary School to benefit hungry
    Polenta Elementary School will have its annual EMPTY BOWL project which will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on December 14. Ceramic bowls and Christmas ornaments will be bartered off for food items and money. The art club will be working hard to make these items. All proceeds will go to the North Carolina Food Banks.
    For more information, please call Nancy Nettles, Principal, at 919.989.6039.
    Career Day to help North Johnston Middle Schoolers prepare for future On December 15, 2006, approximately 210 eighth grade students at North Johnston Middle School will attend “Career Day 2006” from 8 a.m.-12 noon. The purpose of the Career Day is:
    • to develop student awareness of a wide variety of career opportunities
    • connect for students the role of education and the world of work
    • further develop the partnership between the NJMS community and the school
    • Give relevancy to the school curriculum and careers of interest
    • Further students knowledge as they consider their course selections for ninth grade
    Participants include at least 18 businesses/individuals representing careers in the areas of Education (representatives from North Carolina State University, North Carolina Central University, and North Carolina Teaching Forum), Business/Trades (Heating & Air Conditioning, Surveying, Real Estate & English Second Language Dept. at Johnston County Schools’ Central Office), Service Industries (Micro, Pine Level and Kenly Fire Department, Clayton and North Johnston Emergency Medical Services , Law Enforcement (Johnston County Sheriff’s Dept, and Women’s Prison-Dept of Corrections), Sports (Mudcats), Media (Kenly News), and Military. The Career Day is co-sponsored by GEAR UP, which is providing lunch for presenters and staff participating in Career Day. For more information, please contact Mona Finch, Computer Skills Teacher,
    North Johnston Middle School, at 919.284.3374.
    Imagination Station brings in Four Oaks Middle Schoolers
    A 7th grade field trip, Imagination Station—"Science on Wheels", will do a hands on demonstration and presentation on physics and chemistry on Tuesday, December 19, at 9:30 a.m., in the Four Oaks Middle School gym. Students will also travel to Smithfield to eat at a Japanese restaurant. The event is being held to combine science and social studies to extend curriculum.
    For more information, please call Lisa Calcutt, Principal, at 919.963.4022.

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