Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Johnston County Schools Celebrates American Education Week!
    On behalf of principals, students, teachers, and all Johnston County Schools staff, Dr. Anthony Parker, Superintendent, wishes to thank the supporters of quality public education in Johnston County. "Success comes when we all pull together," said Parker, who presented every Board of Education member with a lapel pin bearing the same message. "We thank every staff member in the Johnston County Schools for his or her commitment to the success of every child in our schools. Your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated," he added.
    For more information, please call Crystal Roberts, Public Information Officer, at (919) 934-6031, extension 241.

    District Raises More Than $26,000 for Katrina Victims
    Students, staff, and central service employees throughout Johnston County Schools raised a total of more than $26,700 to assist with relief efforts in the Gulf Coast states. In addition, food, clothing, and other products were collected for distribution, while two principals*Brookie Honeycutt of Cleveland Elementary and Jerry Smith of Clayton High School*traveled to Louisiana to adopt schools that are now paired with their schools.
    For more information, please call Crystal Roberts, Public Information Officer, at (919) 934-6031, extension 241.

    SSS Academic Boosters Benefit
    Smithfield 10 Cinemas will contribute 10 percent of its concessions to the Smithfield-Selma Academic Booster Club from its sales on Thursday, November 10. Patrons are asked to look for the designated register to purchase refreshments.
    For more information, please call Angela Bryant, Assistant Principal, at (919) 934-5191.

    Wilson's Mills Hosts Special Events
    Wilson's Mills Elementary School hosted a quarterly Good Behavior Celebration on November 4th, 2005. Students who were invited as a result of their good behavior enjoyed a movie, popcorn and soda party. Making good decisions and setting a good examples pays off at Wilson's Mills Elementary.
    Also, the Wilson's Mills Elementary School PTA raised more than $5,300 at its Fall Carnival. Winners for the raffle were as follows: Bobby Melrose won the Grand Prize TV. Kelvin Jordan won the 2nd prize Nintendo Game System. Lisa Borbas won the $250 Gift card from Wal-Mart. Wilson's Mills Kindergartner Michael Borbas sold 318 raffle tickets, which earned him the $50 cash prize for selling the most tickets. Second grader Bailey Thornton, who sold the Grand Prize ticket, received a cash prize of $25.
    For more information, please call Dee Edmundson, Principal, at (919) 934-2978.

    Selma Middle School Events
    On November 2, Bonecrusher Smith came to talk to the students about staying in school and the importance of the word respect.
    Also at Selma Middle School, eighth grade student Elizabeth Ennis won the poetry contest sponsored by the Selma Library.
    Selma Middle also hosted a speaker from the ABC board who told of the risks and dangers of alcohol use and abuse. She put goggles on participants to simulate intoxication.
    Administrators hosted a "reward" dance to support the PBS program (Positive Behavior Support). Students who had accumulated 50 PBS tickets gained free entry. The fifth grade also had a reward celebration in the gym.
    For more information, please call Suzanna Worrells at (919) 965-2555.

    Selma Elementary Named Global School
    Selma Elementary School has been named a VIF Global School. In conjunction with that honor and in celebration of International Education Week, the students will be painting a map of the world on our bus parking lot. Weather permitting, the pavement will be prepared on Wednesday, November 16 with a grid. On November 17, each class will take their turn painting their block(s) on the grid. When completed, it will be a map of the world! "For our students, our communities and our nation to prosper in an integrated world of commerce and international affairs, we need to understand the world," said Ned Glascock, a VIF Program spokesman. "International exchange teachers are real-life role models from around the globe who open students' eyes to the world beyond their borders. At an early age, a new generation begins to develop skills and knowledge to navigate the world." The school is in need of sponsors to cover the supplies. The cost is $200 for the paint and $150 for brushes and other supplies.
    Persons interested in sponsoring this event should contact Angela Piper at 965-6373.
    In addition, plans are underway for Selma Elementary's Second International Festival with a holiday flare to be held in December. The bus parking lot will be illuminated for visitors to see the world, singing and dancing from various countries by our students, trees decorated for the holidays from various countries, booths in the gym and food in the cafeteria from the countries represented.
    For more information, please call Angela Piper at (919) 965-3361.

    Downtown Smithfield Businesses Supporting Smithfield Middle
    Downtown Smithfield businesses will host Spirit Night every first Thursday of each month. Participating downtown restaurants include Marla's, Gandolfo's Deli, and Riverside Coffee. The profits from this event will support Smithfield Middle School clubs for the year. All participating businesses are donating a percentage of their evening sales to the school.
    For more information, please call Dr. Ann Carper, Principal, at (919) 934-4696.

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