Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Cooper Wins Adult Spelling Bee Second Year in Row!
    Cooper Elementary School has been crowned Spelling Bee champ for the
    second year in a row at the annual Johnston County Education Foundation
    Adult Spelling Bee. Team members included Jill Amaya, PTA president,
    Leann Sorenson, PAC board member, Steve Lee, PAC president, and Shannon
    Burns, Cooper Exceptional Children's teacher. The spelling bee, one of
    the Foundation's major fundraisers, was held on Thursday, November 17 at
    Johnston Community College. Proceeds from the event fund grants for JCS
    classroom teachers.
    For more information, please call Lorine Davis, Executive Director, JC
    Education Foundation, at (919) 934-7977.

    SSS Drama Teacher Earns Grant
    Ruth Mills, Drama teacher at SSS has won a grant from the Donors Choose
    organization for the Romeo and Juliet production that her Honors Theatre
    Arts class is preparing for performance. The grant supplied several
    cartons of paper for the study guide that will be sent to requesting
    schools used when the production goes on the road.
    For more information, please call Ruth Mills, Teacher, at (919)

    Students Lead Parent Conferences at Four Oaks Middle
    On November 15, Four Oaks Middle School students led their own parent
    conferences that charted their school performance and their individual
    plans for success. These conferences served as a way to help students
    accept responsibility for improving academically, while practicing
    self-reflection and real life skills. Students did a top quality job of
    organizing and preparing for the event. Parents appreciated having
    structured time to talk with them about school. The conferences were a
    great way to celebrate student responsibility!
    For more information, please call L. M. Edwards at (919) 963-4022.

    Cooper Observes Early Thanksgiving
    Cooper Kindergarten students enjoyed a Thanksgiving Feast during their
    regularly scheduled lunch time. They spent last week learning about the
    first Thanksgiving and preparing for the feast by creating Indian and
    Pilgrim outfits to wear to the feast. Each kindergarten class also made
    their own decorations which included paper pumpkins and teepees. The
    Cooper cafeteria served the "feast" to everyone. Parents were invited
    to share in this Cooper Kindergarten tradition and graciously provided
    desserts for everyone to enjoy.

    For more information, please call Michee Olson at (919) 553-0256.

    Selma Elementary Students Sing With Honors
    Selma Elementary School students performed in the N.C. Music Educators
    Elementary Honors Chorus on November 13 in Winston-Salem.

    For more information, please call Angela Piper at (919) 965-3361.

    Four Oaks Middle Red Ribbon Week Successful
    Eighth grade students at Four Oaks Middle had a first-hand experience
    on what it's like to be arrested and convicted for a felony drug
    charge. Students were first introduced to K-9 Kyra and Deputy Runner.
    Deputy Runner demonstrated how the drug dog is used to assist in
    searching as well as arresting fleeing drug traffickers. Chief Court
    Council Marsha Woodall spearheaded the assembly and introduced guests.
    Juvenile Court Counselors Charlene Neighbors, Pat Dawn, and Doug Sorrow
    role-played what it was like to be arrested, full-body searched, chained
    and shackled. The eighth grade students were allowed to ask questions
    and participate in various activities (such as the use of goggles that
    simulate being under the influence of alcohol). Gary Snow, who works
    with the Juvenile Community Service Program, talked about his job and
    what teens that have been assigned community service do. Other guests
    included Dr. Oliver Johnson (Director of Student Services for Johnston
    County Schools) and Ms. Sway Archibald (Safe and Orderly Schools
    Consultant). Red Ribbon Week at Four Oaks Middle included other
    activities. On "Reach Out Day, Drugs are Unbearable," students
    donated stuffed animals for use by law enforcement officers, local
    hospitals, and mental health centers. A poster/essay/poem contest was
    held with first, second, and third place winners in all categories.
    Students also wore red ribbons and signed their names on a banner
    pledging to be drug-free. The Booster Club sponsored an after-school
    dance called "FOMS Red Ribbon Dance."
    For more information, please call Lisa Edwards, Principal, at (919)

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