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Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Read, Rest, and Run Third Grade Parent Involvement at West Clayton
    January's Friday the 13th was a lucky one for third grade students at
    West Clayton Elementary who like sleep-over activities away from home.
    6:45 p.m. on that evening students returned to school for a series of
    activities the third grade teachers are calling "Read, Rest and Run."
    These activities are part of West Clayton's Parent Involvement Program
    and embrace specific goals of the school's improvement plan for the
    2005-2006 school year. Students began the evening with musical movement
    hosted by Frank Potochney and Chris Kiser. Potochney and Kiser teach
    physical education and music respectively. While the students were
    involved in the gym, their parents were participating in an EOG
    information meeting with Hannah Youngblood, the district's
    Accountability Director. The second stop for third graders was the
    school's media center where the third grade teachers, Media Coordinator
    Jeanne Mochel, and Chris Kiser led the students in reading-based
    activities involving music, rhyme and poetry; non-fiction, news, current
    events and history; legends, fables, and moral stories; fiction, fun and
    jokes; and free reading. Each center also placed emphasis on Dr. Martin
    Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to society. Teachers and students
    retired to their classrooms for other activities the teacher deemed
    appropriate until the teachers called "lights out" for their own
    students. Students were picked up by their parents the following
    morning at 8 a.m. in order to enjoy the long weekend with Monday's
    holiday honoring Dr. King.
    For more information, please contact Suzanne Phillips, Third Grade Lead
    Teacher or Dorlisa Johnson, Assistant Principal at (919)553-7113.

    Three Meadow Elementary students named national winners in McGruff
    Fifth graders Alex Crenshaw, Cayce Nilsin and Dylan Weber have been
    selected as national winners in the McGruff the Crime Dog 25th Birthday
    Card Contest. The focus of the activity was drug and violence
    prevention. School Counselor Karla Denning led the activity during Red
    Ribbon Week, held the last week in October. Winning entries may be
    viewed online at
    For more information, please call Karla Denning, School Counselor, at

    Congressman Bob Etheridge Visits South Smithfield Elementary School
    Congressman Bob Etheridge spoke to the fifth graders at South
    Smithfield Elementary School on Tuesday, January 17. His message focused
    on the 300th birthday of Benjamin Franklin. The purpose of the message
    was to inform students of the historical significance of Benjamin
    Franklin and the impact of his contributions on society.
    For more information, please call Kathy Hamilton at (919) 934-8979.
    Also at South Smithfield Elementary:
    Guest Artist to work with students at South Smithfield Elementary
    Artist Bryant Holsenbeck will work with all students in Pre-K through
    fifth grade during scheduled art classes. Holsenbeck will be teaching
    students how to use recycled materials to create decorative paste papers
    to design books. Classes will take place the week of February 6-10 in
    the school's art room.
    For more information, please contact Tamara Carpenter in the Art
    Department at (919)934-8979.

    Clayton Middle School receives praise for helping Hurricane Katrina
    Clayton Middle School received a thank you letter for the art kits its
    students put together for students in Louisiana affected by Hurricane
    Katrina. Items for the kits were collected in October and shipped to
    Abita Springs Elementary School in November. A copy of the letter is
    available from the school.
    For more information, please contact Deborah Coates at (919)553-5811,
    Ext. 448.

    ESL Graduates share success with other ESL students (photos attached)
    On Dec. 21, 2005, several graduates from Smithfield-Selma High School
    returned to share their stories with fellow ESL students. Nereida
    Arguijo, a 2003 graduate; Eduardo Bautista and Gabriela Galindo, 2004
    graduates; Eusebio Montoya, a 2005 graduate; and Jose Morales, friend of
    Neredia and a senior at Fresno State University, all came and shared
    words of encouragement and support for education. The former SSS
    students are attending colleges or are in the work force around the
    country and were excited about the opportunity to come back and share
    the positive experiences they are having thanks to staying focused and
    completing school. Ms. Massenburg, ESL teacher, invited these former ESL
    students and graduates of SSS, to come and speak to current ESL students
    in an effort to encourage all students to strive for success. It was an
    opportunity to show that dedication and hard work do pay off.
    For more information, please call Assistant Principal Michael Taylor at

    Buster the Bus Visits Meadow School (photo attached)
    Mrs. Sharon Fogleman, assisted by Buster the Bus, presented Meadow
    School with a bus safety program on Friday, December 9, 2005. Students
    in grades K-3 learned about the "danger zones" and other important
    topics such as safe boarding and unloading tips. Meadow bus drivers and
    Mrs. Pope joined Ms. Fogleman in singing The Wheels on the Bus.
    Picture: Cassidy Barefoot in Mrs. Wise's kindergarten class gets
    acquainted with Buster before the program started.
    For more information, please contact Mrs. Wise at (919) 894-7064.

    West Clayton Elementary Students Learn How Pennies Can Pay for Cancer
    Students at West Clayton Elementary are participating in The Leukemia &
    Lymphoma Society's Pennies for Patients/Pasta for Pennies program, a
    student council sponsored community service project where students
    donate their spare change to fund blood cancer research and patient aid
    programs. School administrators appreciate the value of having students
    work with a goal of helping others. "Our students' involvement with The
    Leukemia & Lymphoma Society teaches them that they can make a difference
    in the lives of others," said Assistant Principal Lee Bryan. "This is a
    wonderful program for us to take part in, and the expected results of
    our student's efforts will benefit an outstanding organization."
    For more information, please call Lee Bryan at (919) 553-7113.

    Moscow Nights to be Presented at McGee's Crossroads Middle School
    Moscow Nights, an Artists-In-The-Schools program, is being presented to
    6th graders at McGee's Middle School from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the
    school cafetorium on January 25th. Moscow Nights offers audiences an
    entertaining and authentic glimpse into Old Russia through music, song
    and dance. The music of Moscow Nights is predominantly authentic,
    traditional Russian folk music. The repertoire is centered around
    masterpieces of Russian folklore and represents the diversity of the
    culture, ranging from gently humorous songs, to elaborate lyrical
    suites, to pulsating dance numbers. The program is broad and varied with
    audience participation through clapping and learning Russian songs and
    For more information, please call Charlene Bowling(919) 894-6003.

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