Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Princeton Teacher Recognized in Who's Who
    Tammy Cooper, a kindergarten teacher at Princeton Union School, has
    been selected for inclusion in the ninth edition of Who's Who Among
    America's Teachers, 2005. Who's Who honors a select five percent of
    the nation's teachers as a testimony to the value of outstanding
    teachers. Cooper has been teaching for 20 years.
    For more information, please call Tammy Cooper, Teacher, at (919)

    Clayton Middle SADD club spreads anti-drug message to elementary
    The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) club at Clayton
    Middle School is spreading an anti-drug message to West Clayton
    Elementary School. On Feb. 2, club members passed out bookmarks with
    positive and anti-drug messages on them to fifth grade students. The
    event was held because bad and good habits start at a young age. If,
    however, the fifth graders can start god habits now, they'll still have
    those habits when they are older; and they will be drug-free, which is
    better for everyone.
    For more information, please contact A. Jespersen and K. Hammond at
    (919) 553-1093.

    Polenta Elementary School Science Fair concludes with 65 projects
    The Polenta Science Fair was held on Friday, Feb. 10th. Projects were
    displayed for the entire day in the media center. School leaders were
    thrilled to have approximately 65 projects on display. That number
    almost doubled last year's participation. An awards ceremony was held
    in the cafetorium at 7 p.m. Each participant was awarded a participation
    ribbon for excellence in science. The first, second, and third place
    winners will participate in the Regional Science Fair. Winners are as
    First Place - Cole Simons "Insulation"
    Second Place - Alexander Kuppler "How a Steam Engine Works"
    Third Place - Mike Feola "Toilet Paper Dispenser"
    Honorable Mention went to the following students:
    Clayton Miller, Edward Lee, Rebecca Shedrick, Jessica Griggs, John
    Groom, Natalie Dershem, and Kaylah Alexander
    For more information, please call Assistant Principal Kerri Tart, at

    River Dell presenting Famous American Wax Museum fund raiser
    On Tuesday, Feb. 28th, the second graders at River Dell Elementary will
    be presenting a Famous American Wax Museum. Each child will be wearing a
    costume representing their famous American as well as delivering a
    speech about their accomplishments. The museum will also be a fund
    raiser for the SPCA. Parents and friends will put coins into the
    children's cups to activate them to say their speech.
    For more information, please contact Principal Kay Hewitt, at (919)

    Latin Fair to be held at Selma Elementary School
    Selma Elementary School will hold a Latin Fair, "Feria Educativa 2006",
    from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tues., Feb. 28, in the auditorium. The event is
    sponsored by Selma Elementary and the N.C. Society for Hispanic
    Professionals. The purpose of the evening is to provide information
    about what services are available in the community. On site will be the
    American Red Cross, Johnston Community College, Johnston County
    Sheriff's Department, the Selma Police Department and various local
    For more information, please contact Carola Figueroa or Emily Grice, at

    Corinth-Holders hosting third annual Black History Brain Bowl
    Corinth-Holders is planning its third annual Black History Brain Bowl.
    This event is an annual competition for third grade and fourth grade
    classes. The students have been given information on black history
    questions and they have taken a test to see who has qualified for the
    competition. Each class will choose two representatives for the
    competition. The game is set up like Jeopardy. The competition will take
    place at 1:30 on Feb. 23, 2006, in the cafeteria of Corinth-Holders.
    For more information, please contact Bryan Holley, at (919)365-7560.

    Honor School of Excellence Celebration slated at Cleveland Elementary
    Cleveland Elementary School will host an Honor School of Excellence
    Celebration at 9 a.m. on Feb. 28, in the school cafeteria. A brief
    reception will follow.
    For more information, please contact Principal Brookie Honeycutt, at
    (919) 550-2700.

    Three Johnston County teachers nominated for 2006 Disney Teacher Award
    Angela Gurgainus, a teacher at West Clayton Elementary School, along
    with River Dell Elementary teachers Samantha Suvak and Tamie Wall, have
    all been nominated for the 2006 Disney Teacher Award. Since 1989, Disney
    Teacher Awards have been presented to teachers who construct learning
    environments where students and teachers alike explore, imagine and
    engage in a variety of stimulating ideas and experiences. Specifically,
    the program honors those teachers whose approaches exemplify creativity
    in teaching and who inspire a joy of learning in their students. The
    honorees will be announced in late spring and celebrated at a red-carpet
    Awards Gala in July. During the Gala, four honorees will be selected as
    Outstanding Teachers and one will be named the 2006 Disney Teacher of
    the Year. In addition, the honorees each receive $10,000, a $5,000 grant
    for their schools and a six-day professional development institute with
    their principals at the Walt Disney World Resort. At the institute,
    teachers share ideas to refine their innovative teaching approaches and
    learn how to engage other teachers to build an effective collaborative
    teaching culture at their schools.
    For more information, please contact West Clayton Elementary School
    Principal Bruce Bunn, at (919) 553-7113 or River Dell Elementary School
    Principal Kay Hewitt, at (919) 553-1977.

    West Clayton Elementary raises more for charity than any other school
    in past three years
    The student council at West Clayton Elementary School completed its
    school wide Pennies For Patients Campaign to benefit the Leukemia and
    Lymphoma Society. The school raised $4,205.75. "The parents and students
    at this school never cease to amaze me. They are always willing to step
    up to the plate and help out where there is a need," said Assistant
    Principal Lee Bryan. West Clayton so far is the charity's highest
    fundraising school in Eastern North Carolina. In fact, the school is the
    highest fundraising school the organization has had over the past three
    For more information, please contact Assistant Principal Lee Bryan, at

    Meadow hosts kindergarten transition program
    On February 16, Meadow School hosted a program to welcome the upcoming
    Kindergarten students and their parents. Sarah Thompson, Johnston
    County Schools Parent Involvement Specialist, presented a program that
    provided tips for transitioning their children into kindergarten.
    Approximately 130 people attended the event. A pizza dinner was served
    and parents were provided babysitting services courtesy of the
    Kindergarten teachers, assistants, and Beta Club members.
    Also at Meadow, all fourth grade students have been writing stories to
    publish. Mrs. MaLinda Turnage, 4th grade writing teacher, led the
    project last year. The writing and publishing process was such a
    success that Meadow implemented this project into their School
    Improvement Plan for all 3-5 teachers. Meadow also received a
    technology grant from Johnston County Schools to purchase a wireless,
    mobile laptop computer lab. Students typed their stories on the laptops
    within their own classroom for "an awesome experience," they claimed.
    Parent Involvement contact Darene Honeycutt has worked with Mrs. Turnage
    on this project. An Author's Celebration is planned for Tuesday,
    February 21 at 2 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Parents/guardians are
    invited to attend this special celebration. The books will be unveiled
    and students will be treated to an ice cream social.
    Photo: Mrs. MaLinda Turnage shows off one of the published books.
    For more information, please call Darene Honeycutt, Meadow School, at
    (919) 894-7064.

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