Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Four Oaks Literary Lovers Win District Book Battle
    Four Oaks Middle School won first place in the district's annual
    Battle of the Books competition held on Thursday, March 2 in the Selma
    Elementary School auditorium. Placing second was North Johnston Middle,
    with Princeton Middle taking third. Students had to answer detailed
    questions based on the books they had read with their participating
    For more information, please call Diana Freeman at 919.934.4361,
    extension 347.

    Smithfield-Selma High School Students to Open Restaurant
    Students in William Sanders' Career Management class will open and
    run their own restaurant for a day to demonstrate their business
    management skills and knowledge on
    March 24 at 1:15 p.m. The restaurant will be located in a section of
    the school's cafeteria, and freshly prepared, homemade food will be
    served to a gathering of invited guests that will include teachers,
    school staff, and others. The 26 students in the class have reviewed
    their peers' resumes and interviewed and hired each other to perform
    the tasks of running a business. Every position from owner to wait
    staff to food preparation worker has been filled. Items on the
    "Legends Cafe" menu will widely range from shrimp fried rice,
    ribs, and Italian chicken to collard greens and red beans and rice.
    For more information, please call William Sanders, Teacher, at
    Also at SSS, the Navy JROTC students have produced a four-page
    newsletter entitled, "Smithfield Spartan Special." The debut issue
    featured a report on the recent Military Ball, listed the class
    members' extra-curricular activities, its weekly activities,
    comments from the administration and the class' platoon commanders,
    and pictures from the field trip to Fort Bragg. The publication also
    lists recent and upcoming events.
    For more information, please call LCDR Charles Pullen at 919.934.5191.

    West Smithfield Culminates Schoolwide Thematic Study on March 22
    The entire student body at West Smithfield Elementary School will
    celebrate its study of cultures during a culmination exercise on
    Tuesday, March 22 at 11:15 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 1: 45 p.m. in 60-minute
    increments. The shows will feature colorful costumes from around the
    world, poetry, dance, and other culturally enlightening activities.
    For more information, please call Anne Koebley, Accelerated Schools
    Coach, at 919.989.6418.

    Congressman Visits Princeton School
    Congressman Bob Etheridge read the "Cat in the Hat" to Princeton
    elementary school students to encourage students to read and enjoy the
    learning process.
    For more information, please call Ken Williams at 919.936.5011.
    Also at Princeton, on February 11, Princeton hosted the first Johnston
    County Middle School Cheerleading Competition. Riverwood Middle
    School's cheerleaders came away with the Championship title; they
    are coached by Juliet Henderson. Princeton Middle's team earned First
    Runner Up. They are coached by Cammie Horne. Organizers plan to offer
    the event every year.

    Middle College Recruiting Students
    During February and March, Dr. McLeod and Jamie Livengood along with
    staff members, are visiting area high schools to recruit students for
    the 2006-2007 school. Applications and information about JCMC are being
    distributed during the school visits.
    For additional information about admissions, please contact the school
    office at 989-6208.

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