Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 19, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    *Middle Schools and High Schools in need of proctors
    Middle schools and high schools in Johnston County are in need of volunteers to proctor end-of-year testing this month.
    For more information and to find out how you can assist, please call the school where you are interested in serving.

    Clayton High School student accepted to Yale and awarded scholarships
    Quincy L. O'Neal, a senior at Clayton High School, has been accepted at Yale University. O'Neal is the recipient of the Coca-Cola Scholarship worth $10,000 and the National Achievement Scholarship worth $2,500.
    For more information, please call Jerry Smith, Principal, at 919.553.4064.

    Benson Elementary School staff raises money for student
    On April 24, the staff of Benson Elementary School hosted a "Dough for Dollars" night at the Pizza Inn in Dunn. The staff raised money for second grader, Tyanna Cole, who has cancer. The faculty worked at the Pizza Inn that night and raised over $2,700 for Tyanna's family as they earned 10% of their sales and got to keep all of their tips.
    Also at Benson Elementary School:
    The week of May 10-14, homeroom teachers "sold" Relay for Life sunbursts for 50 cents each. They were purchased in memory or honor of someone by the students. Teachers displayed the sunbursts around their doors. The top selling homeroom in each grade level won a popcorn/movie party and their teachers will get to have lunch off campus. The school raised $1,104.50.
    On Friday night, May 12, the school hosted a talent show at the W.J. Barefoot auditorium. It was the school's first ever talent show and it was a huge success. Nineteen elementary students performed. Refreshments were sold at intermission and $647.50 was raised for Relay for Life.
    For more information, please call Tracie Johnson at 919.894.4233.

    Johnston County Students Visit Raleigh African-American Cultural Complex
    Students from Selma Elementary and Selma Middle schools visited the African-American Cultural Complex in Raleigh as part of a weekend church trip recently. The trip's purpose was to heighten the students' appreciation for the contributions that African-American inventors, politicians, and scientists have made in building this country. (photo attached of front row: Alecia Cooley, Marcus Calhoun, Shamell Dupree, Marcus Shearin; second row: Angela Calhoun, Michelle Richardson, E.B. Palmer (CEO of African-American Cultural Complex), Kelvin Moore, Tevon Sullivan, Kevin Moore; back row: Tiffany Vance, Deborah Vance.
    For more information, please call Kelvin Moore, Teacher Assistant, Smithfield-Selma High School, at 919.934.5191.

    Smithfield-Selma High School hosts Academy Awards Night
    The public is cordially invited to the second annual, Smithfield - Selma High School Academy Awards Night on Thursday, May 25, in the school's cafeteria. A reception will be hosted from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and the awards ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m.Pleasejoininrecognizingtheschool's outstanding students.
    For more information, please call Cindy B. Allen at 919.934.5191 or e-mail

    Clayton High School Men of Distinction host dinner for middle school club
    On Wednesday evening, May 17, Marlon Lee, sponsor of the Clayton High School Men of Distinction club, held an end of the year dinner at Golden Corral for the club for their hard work and accomplishments during the 2005-2006 school year. In attendance were former members, 2004 graduates Ervin Lanier (UNC-Charlotte); Brian McCrae (Hampton Univ.); and Assistant Principal Eddie Price, faculty advisor for the newly formed Clayton Middle School Men of Distinction club. Each member was presented with a certificate for their participation and involvement. Mr. Lee presented Quincy O'Neal with a special plaque for his outstanding leadership and extra services that he provided as Man of Leadership (president) over the last two years. Quincy will attend Yale University in the fall.
    For more information, please call Marlon Lee at 919.553.4064.

    West Smithfield Elementary School celebrates status as national demonstration site
    The students, staff, and parents will literally pop-- bubbles that is-- on Friday, May 26 when they celebrate their status as a National Demonstration site for the Accelerated Schools plus program. Based on the philosophy of accelerating achievement by building school, teacher, and student capacity, the Accelerated Schools plus program has been West Smithfield Elementary School's theme since it opened three years ago. Accelerated Schools plus is one of the longest operating, most widely studied school improvement entities in existence. The celebration, which will begin at 10 a.m., will be led primarily by students, with parent and staff participation, followed by a "bubble social" as a ceremonial send-off, and a special school wide luncheon and fun station activities for the students. The school's selection as a national demonstration site was based on improvement in student achievement, teaching practices, community involvement, and overall effectiveness. West Smithfield, which operates a summer enrichment program, in addition to its Accelerated Schools plus program during the traditional year, gave an impressive showing to the panel that decided upon its demonstration status. "The competition was fierce and normally schools that are selected have worked with us for eight years or more. It is remarkable for a school to achieve this recognition in only three years," said Accelerated Schools CEO, Gene Chasin, who will be on hand to join in the festivities. Dr. Chasin will present a banner and plaque to Asthma Hafsa, the school's SGA president.
    For more information, please call Todd Holmes, Principal, at 919.989.6418.

    South Campus set to dedicate gymnasium this weekend
    South Campus Community School, Advisory Council, administration, staff and students request the pleasure of your company at the dedication of the Wall-Ennis Gymnasium, named in the honor of Mr. Q.K. Wall and in memory of Mr. Reginald Ennis. The dedication will take place at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, at South Campus Community School, located at 521 Martin Luther King Drive in Smithfield. Please RSVP to 919.934.6481.
    For more information, please call the school at 919.934.6481.

    2006 High School Graduations
    The 2006 commencement ceremonies are as follows:
    * Smithfield-Selma High School - June 9, 6 p.m., football field
    * Princeton - June 9, 7 p.m., new gym.
    * Johnston County Middle College High - Sunday May 28, at the auditorium on
    the campus of JCC at 2 p.m.
    * West Johnston High School - June 9, 6 p.m., football stadium.
    * South Johnston High School - Friday, June 9, 6 p.m., Ronald Avery Stadium,
    South Johnston High School (rain date, Saturday, June 10, 11:00 a.m., same
    * North Johnston High School - Friday, June 9, 6 p.m., Strifert Stadium (Rain Site
    NJHS Gymnasium - Friday, June 9, 2006 - 6:00 p.m.)
    * Clayton High School - 6:30 p.m., Comet football stadium
    For more information, please call the school.

    Clay Sun Auction to be held June 3rd
    The 4th annual Clay Sun Auction will be held on Saturday, June 3rd, at The Coffee Mill's 6th annual Millstock. The silent auction will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Clay Suns were created by Cooper's 5th grade students as part of their art curriculum. Art teachers, Suzan Fontaine and Christina Schaffer helped each student create their one- of-a-kind creation. Please come out and support the Cooper students and the Cooper Art Department.
    For more information, please call Michee Olson at 919.553.0256.

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