Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 26, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    * Monday, May 29 (Memorial Day) is a student vacation day.

    Smithfield Middle School students form business to raise money
    Katherine Thompson, business teacher at Smithfield Middle School, worked with her students to create a business, Knight Cartridge Collectors. They created a business plan collecting used computer cartridges and raised $939 from Staples. The money will be used for a special project for Smithfield Middle School in honor of the 2006 eighth grade class.
    For more information, please call Dr. Ann Carper, Principal, at 919.934.4696.

    Archible completes Parent Training Instruction
    Sway Archible, Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program Consultant for Johnston County Schools, has completed a five-day workshop to become a Parent Training Instructor in the Effective Black Parenting Program offered by The Center for the Improvement of Child Caring. Archible completed the training on May 19, 2006, and is now certified to conduct training on this topic.
    For more information or to schedule a workshop, please call Sway Archible at 919.934.9810.

    Middle Schools and High Schools in need of proctors
    Middle schools and high schools in Johnston County are in need of volunteers to proctor end-of-year testing this month.
    For more information and to find out how you can assist, please call the school where you are interested in serving.

    2006 High School Graduations
    The 2006 commencement ceremonies are as follows:
    * Smithfield-Selma High School - June 9, 6 p.m., football field
    * Princeton - June 9, 7 p.m., new gym.
    * Johnston County Middle College High * Sunday, May 28, at the auditorium on
    the campus of JCC at 2 p.m.
    * West Johnston High School - June 9, 6 p.m., football stadium.
    * South Johnston High School - Friday, June 9, 6 p.m., Ronald Avery Stadium
    (Rain date, Saturday, June 10, 11:00 a.m., same
    * North Johnston High School - Friday, June 9, 6 p.m., Strifert Stadium (Rain Site
    NJHS Gymnasium - Friday, June 9, 2006 - 6:00 p.m.)
    * Clayton High School * Friday, June 9, 6:30 p.m., Comet football stadium
    For more information, please call the school.

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