Not sure if any other school in the area is doing so, but I am honored to be reading a fun book to the Polenta Elementary School first grade classes tomorrow. The book is called "First Day Jitters", by Julie Danneberg, and illustrated by Judy Love. The book tells about the first day jitters our heroine has, the usual complaints about a new school, new people, new classmates, new principal etc. She drags herself out of bed, slogs through breakfast, slumps as Dad drives her..almost the longest walk and morning imaginable...But, there's a twist. I won't ruin the surprise, here. If you have a Polenta 1st grader, ask him or her what happened in the story when they get home tomorrow. I highly recommend to parents of primary kids starting school. The illustrations are wonderfully done, and complement the story line so well. I do know that Barnes and Nobles at Crabtree has the book, and I'm sure you can order it online through various sellers. The ISBN is: 978-1-58089-061-8 and retails for 6.95 in paperback. It is also available in Spanish.