I was wondering if anyone (any age) would be interested in playing some flag football in the cleveland or garner area. I would like to maybe get a league started in the cleveland area one day but right now im just trying to get the word out that were trying to play. Theres really nothing in the cleveland area for adults to do as far as athletics so i think this would be a good opportunity to start something. there are leagues in raleigh but thats to far to drive. If anybody is interested just let me know. thanks
I think it would be a great idea and I would definitely be interested. Only problem is, with a full time job, part time job and the FD, I don't know where it would fit in!
we usually play thursday evenings, saturdays, or sundays. whichever day is good for everybody else. If you have any friends that would want to play bring them out there also, spread the word. i can let you know next time we play, give me your email and ill let you know and you can tell me if you can play or not.
we dont really have a certain spot we play, it depends on what days we play and times, we've played at the garner park off of 50 hwy, Lake benson, SSS high school, South johnston high school, and we use to play at the old cleveland school beside sluggers which was perfect but we got ran off from there. we pretty much just play wherever is conveinent for everybody. I forgot to mention that there is a weekend tournament coming up toward the end of sept. If anyone is interested in that let know.
Lord have mercy. If you've ever been to any of the local, recreational soccer games etc. you might want to change your mind. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in my life from the parents. Now keep in mind, I'm not saying all of the parents, I for one have never had an issue but I've witnessed some really nasty altercations between bystanding parents from opposing teams watching their kids play and the yelling, name calling, display of tempers is something else. So, lord help ya if some of these wonderful parents decide to join this adult league, then you can name it WWW comes to Cleveland.:boxing: