Flag Represents Learning, Liberty

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Flag Represents Learning, Liberty
    Bartholomew Accepts Flag on Behalf of Board of Education

    SMITHFIELD-- At its October Board meeting, Board of Education Chairman Fred Bartholomew accepted from district Superintendent Dr. Anthony Parker the National School Public Relations Association's Flag of Learning and Liberty. Created by the 70-year-old organization as a means of developing greater support for education through responsible communications, the Flag has been presented to the Education Ministry in Japan, carried aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger, raised over every state capital, featured in a White House ceremony, and covered in the news media throughout the nation.

    The Nation's Education Flag Features:
    * A horizontal red stripe across its top depicting the strength and vitality of a democratic way of life.
    * A blue stripe running horizontally along the bottom which represents the stability and opportunity made possible by a strong system of education.
    * A center field of white which conveys the virtue and aspiration of a nation of free people. The central focus of the flag is the emblem in the middle of the field. The design features:
    o Two gold flames at the top - one for learning and one for liberty. These flames are supported by a base of four elements, arranged in alternating blue and red pairs.
    o The blue elements represent the two key foundations of strong education - high expectations and effective teaching.
    o The red elements symbolize the cornerstone institutions of a democratic society - responsible families and involved communities.

    The Flag of Learning and Liberty will be displayed in the Johnston County Board of Education boardroom, and an outdoor Flag of Learning and Liberty will be displayed outside, further signifying this district's commitment to learning, liberty, and responsible communications.

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