What do you all use for fleas on your 4 legged kids. I have bathed, sprayed, & picked fleas off George(dauchshund) & next thing I know, he is scratching fleas again. I know that there are flease in grass(cause of squirrels & other visitors in yard). Do I need to do the flea dip-if so, where? Have you all tried Advantage or Frontline & which do you prefer. George is an unhappy camper & Mama isn't too happy either. Thanks!
Frontline Plus is what we use with great results! Vet told me to start giving my 27 pounder the next size up because fleas/ticks were so bad this year.
I use Hartz on my dog.....and have the same results as when I used frontline. I use Cutter on the yard--which is mainly dirt in the back. The Cutter helps with all kinds of critters.
We've had a dozen discussions on fleas - here are just a few http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=20094&highlight=fleas http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=21964&highlight=fleas http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=20383&highlight=fleas Personally, I would never in a million years put Frontline, or Advantix or any other chemical on my pups - if it kills fleas and ticks than what else can it do?
we use frontline plus, plus we add garlic to his food 1x a day - and we still see fleas!!! :banghead: Wolf - how often are you applying the frontline (how many weeks in between).
My dog is on Comfortis, it's a pill. The fleas and ticks die when the bite the dog. Also using Frontline. I don't see any creepy crawlies. I had the same question as Zoo when I put her on both of those, but the vet was able to overcome my concerns. Hope that was a good thing.
have been using the garlic and yeast solution for the past 3 years and it has worked great, haven't seen any fleas at all. During the season i give it to them in their dinner but i still give it to them about once a week during the winter just to be on the safe side. i can't remember the exact measurements, i just do it now but i think it was Zoo that gave us the recipe.
wish they'd come out with a garlic and yeast treat - hey, there's our million dollar idea!!! :mrgreen:
There is - a chewable pill you can buy through most pet retailers and online. They don't market it for 'fleas control' but that's what people use it for. Here's just one http://www.petco.com/product/105624...-7A19-DE11-B4E3-0019B9C043EB&mr:referralID=NA
I just look at it this way - If MDs (human doctors) can feel comfortable by hearing what drug companies and their representatives spew and prescribe for their human patients - most likely reassuring many that the drug is "safe" only to later learn that the drug was dangerous, even fatal in some cases to many patients - What is the difference when it comes to DVMs??? Here are just a few prescribed drugs for HUMANS that were finally pulled from the market: Propulsid: A top-selling drug for many years, this drug was linked to hundreds of cases of heart arrhythmias and over 100 deaths. Pondimin: A component of Fen-Phen, the diet fad drug. Approved in 1973, Pondimin's link to heart valve damage and a lethal pulmonary disorder wasn't recognized until shortly before its withdrawal in 1997. Seldane: America's and the world's top-selling antihistamine for a decade, it took the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 5 years to recognize that Seldane was causing cardiac arrhythmias, blackouts, hospitalizations, and deaths, and another 8 years to take it off the market. Hismanal: Approved in 1988 and soon known to cause cardiac arrhythmias, the drug was finally taken off the market in 1999. How does this happen? How do physicians end up prescribing these drugs? Simple: Drug companies are a major influence on doctors’ prescribing habits In addition to the 3 billion dollars they spend on direct marketing to consumers, drug companies are spending about 15 billion dollars per year on marketing to doctors. Most physicians have no idea that the drug companies are spending on average $10,000 per doctor to influence their behavior. The doctors do not receive a check, of course, but the perks are significant. How can you rest assured that the information your vet receives is any better than what a medical doctor for humans is told? I still say, if you place a chemical on your pet that will kill and control fleas and ticks for a month - it does so because it is absorbed into the body of your pet. WHAT can this do after 5 years? 10 years? Sure, the life expectancy of some dogs isn't more than 10 years, but how many years could you be cutting off of your dog or cats' lifespan? How much cancer is there in dogs and cats these days? Where the heck did it come from? The only dog I ever lost to cancer (over 20 years ago) was on Frontline - it hadn't been on the market long and there were rave reviews about it. I lived in Norfolk, VA and it was a flea fest that year. I put Frontline on him and it took care of our flea problem. Sure, something else could have caused his cancer - he was only 6 when he died. I was not about to ever take that chance again. If you are comfortable with it, fine, however I would never be comfortable with any assurances anyone could give me about medictions for myself, or my pets.
For my dogs that are over 30 lbs, I mince up about 1 clove (not head) of garlic for EACH of them and pop it on top of their food. IF they were over 75 pounds, I'd double it. My little guy who is 11 pounds gets about a half of a clove of garlic in his food. BTW - I pretty much 'eye-ball' the measurements - I chop up all the garlic at once and distribute it. Quincy is 11, Percy is 10, Jimmy is 6 and Frankie is 7 - haven't killed one of them yet For the Brewers Yeast - The dogs who are over 30 pounds get 1 heaping teaspoon of brewers yeast (powdered) on their food, and the little one gets 1/2 teaspoon. Garlic is only toxic if you let the dog ingest an entire head at a time, and they would have to ingest quite a few of them in order to have a fatal result.
darn! :lol: but thanks for the info - might look at getting the tabs instead of having to ifx the garlic all the time. I just buy the jars of garlic at the store and mix it into some wet food - my cat loves it! :mrgreen: But I haven't been adding the yeast, so maybe I need to try the tablets you suggested.
Yes, Heartworm Preventative and they also get Rabies shots (as required by law) but heard they might be switching the requirement to more years as the rabies antibodies stay with them longer after the second vaccination. For their Parvo/Distemper shots, I have titer tests done after they are three years old. The tests are NOT cheap - more than twice the cost of the vaccine - however, I worry about over-vaccinating them. My vet does the titer test every two years. . .None have had a parvo-distemper vaccine in 4 years. . .antibodies have show up in good numbers. They go for their annual exams this month and we'll have their blood titered once again to see if they are due for the vaccine yet. For the heartworm preventative - there is no natural cure for heartworms that has been tested 100% or close to it YET - and the treatment for heartworms can kill them - plus since the heart is a muscle, it doesn't regenerate - so the damage done is permanent, thus my reasoning for giving them the HW preventative.
It is far cheaper to use your own garlic and if you buy it in the jar, it's quick (if you get it at Aldi - it's dirt cheap) Brewers Yeast is inexpensive too - just pick some up at GNC - it's quick and easy - the tabs work fine and are simple to toss in their food, or feed as a treat - but since I'm a garlic-a-holic myself, I give them the real thing.