I mentioned this before but if you're going, be prepared to stay for a couple of hours. That is, unless, its different than when we went. In no way should that be a discouragement for those who want to get it for their kids --it's worth it -- but you may want to make sure all your little ones have had bathroom breaks and are not hungry before you go. We went at about 4pm and didn't get about for about 2 1/2 hours. We were more than ready for supper by then. It may be better to go earlier. Just so ya know...
They're also saying now that kids need to get 2 shots to be fully vaccinated, and they should be given at least 3 weeks apart. So if there is already a shortage - HTH are they gonna have enough for folks to get 2 shots? :banghead:
From what I've read the optimum timeframe for the second H1N1 vaccine is between 21-28 days. Kids over 10 only have to have one shot, I think. Still, even if there is a shortage, I would think that between the seasonal and at least one H1N1 vaccine, even those 9 and under will have a much greater degree of protection than those who choose not to have any vaccine at all.
Hubby took the DD's out of school at noon, got in line by 1:00 clinic opened at 2:00 he said there were only about 200 people in front of them! The line moved pretty quickly, he was home by 3:45.