Four Oaks Elementary's Fite Named JCS' January Employee of the Month

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Johnston County Schools and Carolina Pottery Honor Employee of the Month

    Laura Fite Is District's January Employee of the Month

    SMITHFIELD*Laura Fite, a Kindergarten Teacher at Four Oaks Elementary School, has been named Johnston County Schools Employee of the Month for the month of January.

    Fite was nominated by a parent. The nomination stated, "Miss Fite has shown her students that she cares about them and wants them to achieve their best. She take the time to work with each student every week individually, assigns them work, then reviews to make sure they are where they need to be. There is a wide range in her class and she has her hands full but she always has a smile on her face and puts her kids first. My daughter tells me how much she loves her teacher and her school. I wish that all teachers could be like Miss Fite* words can not say how much a teacher means or how important they are to our kids, it just shows in their work and on their faces. Their days are full of smiles. She teaches the kids to work hard and to do their best. She wants them to excel and praises them when they do and helps them when needed. Her class is a great team, and with a great leader her kids will go far. She is one in a million and a shining star in Johnston County Schools."

    "She is truly an asset to our school and this system," said Kim Wellons, Principal at Four Oaks Elementary.
    In partnership with Carolina Pottery, Johnston County Schools salutes Fite for:

    * Demonstrating excellence on the job
    * Exhibiting a "teamwork" attitude
    * Making a significant contribution to the school, school district, employees, students and/or the community
    * Enthusiastically supporting the mission of Johnston County Schools

    Fite was recognized at the January Board of Education meeting. She received a balloon bouquet, a $50 gift certificate from Carolina Pottery, and an appreciation certificate from Johnston County Schools. Her photo will be displayed at her school as well as in the Human Resources department at Central Services.

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