Free Summer Concerts

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Moe, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Moe

    Moe Active Member

    Check out the Local Calendar for a summer series of concerts entitled "Music for the Lunch Bunch" every Wednesday at 12:15 PM in Smithfield at First Presbyterian Church. The concerts are sponsored by the Johnston County Arts Council, and feature a variety of local and regional performers. Pianists, vocalists, flutists, violinists, a classical guitarist, trumpeter and even the lovely, uplifting tones of a harpist will be featured each week. Best of all, the concerts are completely free, and a great opportunity for those who love music and wish to enrich the lives of their loved ones with music. The concert series kicks off next Wednesday with Mary Ann Nillson on the piano; playing and discussing the music of Bach and Beethoven with fascinating and humorous anecdotes. If you work in or near Smithfield, take some time during your lunch hour to come over to the church and immerse yourself in live acoustic music. If you're not in Smithfield, it's worth the short drive to attend and you'll be glad you did.

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