This might be something most of you already knew, but I couldn't believe what I just read! I'm taking a developmental pyschology class this semester. I was just reading about Sigmund Freud's psychosexual stages. He says that the stage in a child's life between 1 1/2 - 3 years old is called the Anal Stage! A child's pleasure focuses on the anus. You wonder what kind of research he did to come up with that conclusion!? Another funny thing this is he says from puberty on is called the "genital stage." At this point the source of sexual pleasure becomes someone outside the family. As opposed to what?!? Inside the family? I'm glad this is an online course. It would probably be weird talking about this in a classroom!
I majored in psychology in college so took many courses including Developmental Psych. If you think Freud's psychosexual stages were warped, wait until you read about his theory on dreams. While I felt much of his work was meaningless, his theory on defense mechanisms seemed pretty accurate to me. I think of all the theories I studied, Erik Erikson's was the one that seemed most rational. As I've aged I've been able to identify with the stages as he described them. I hope you enjoy the course as much as I did
:lol: Sure I have - but the way the textbook worded it sounded like kids think of members their family in a sexual way until they hit puberty. That may be the case for a few poor kids, but not most I know!!