Friendly Competition Nets Five Winners

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Friendly Competition Nets Five Winners
    Driving Skills Showcased in Annual JCS Rodeo

    The Johnston County Schools Rodeo, an annual event that showcases bus driving skills, culminated with five winners on April 20. The event was held in the North Johnston Middle School bus parking lot.

    The winning drivers and their standings are as follows:

    First Place, Tonya Sanderson, North Johnston Middle, $100

    Second place, Sandy Laughinghouse, Glendale-Kenly, $75

    Third Place,Renee Hood, Cleveland Elementary, $50

    Fourth Place, Darlene Flythe, West Clayton, $40

    Fifth Place, Kenneth Howell, Smithfield Middle, $30

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