Here's an indication of how hard the recession is hitting. Definatly not the typical American family here but still a very sobering lesson. To all the hard working dedicated people out there who have struggled for years to make ends meet this story is a slap in the face. Are we really supposed to feel sorry for these people because they used to be rich? When they had money did they help those less fortunate? I doubt they ever gave a thought to the thousands of hungry children living in the United States when they were living "the good life". Too bad that there has never been such concern for those in need as there is now that the Rich have been hit by hard times. Why is it more tragic to see rich people lose it all than those that already had so much less? And believe me I know this first hand having lost my job twice in the past 6 months and losing everything I own in a house fire. These people could have sold some of their expensive items to raise cash, or could have downsized to avoid being where they are today. They get food stamps, I went to Social Services after losing my last job and tried to apply for food stamps to feed my daughter and 2 grandkids I have custody of, and was told I earned too much in February to qualify? I have never applied for any type of public assistance before and I thought that this was for when you get into a financial dilemma. I just do not understand how this system works. The Income I earned in February was gone at the end of February in paying bills and keeping food in my home. So here I am in March, Awaiting my 1st paycheck for a job that is only part time, making a fraction of what I used to earn, still applying to jobs but getting no answers, running out of food in my home to try to feed these kids and not even enough money to cover the rent for April. I have put my car up for sale, which is really tough considering it is the only piece of property we have left that we did not lose in the fire, and that my wife bought me this car as a gift 9 yrs ago. What a country.