Fundraising ideas fast

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay folks, you always have great ideas so I figured it never hurts to ask. We need to raise $5,000 and FAST. That's just ONE time donation of $10 for 500 people. So, I need a way to do that. I was thinking of some type of giveaway. We do have a blog and we do have a tax deductible link set up on a separate site However, I was planning on doing some online giveaway. Besides giveaways, does anyone have any ideas of what we could raffle off? Would anyone like to donate services or a product? The raffle would be on our blog and for anyone in the US. I have a friend that is possibly going to donate photography sessions and she's in VA. So, thinking of local stuff too. Anyone out there have ideas? Please send them my way. I'd greatly appreciate it. Yes, I have taken on odd jobs and sold what I could. Just not enough due to such an unforeseen circumstance. It's nuts. Thanks in advance for thinking of some ideas. I've already had a few ideas come my way. Anything in particular that you as someone donating $10 would want to see raffled away?

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I could give you some gift certificates for my Zumba class. Does that help?
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I can donate some free ASL lessons??
  4. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Oh, those would be awesome! Thanks. I'll be in touch. Right now there is a ton going on here but will get in touch w/ you this weekend. Thanks so much for the generosity. Makes a HUGE difference.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7 (soon to be 10!!!)
  5. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I could donate some math tutoring. Anything pre-algebra through advanced functions and modeling/algebra II, grades 6-12 or college/adult. No geometry or calculus though. I can do it, just hate it! :jester:

    PM me for more info, if this is something you can use. Good luck!!
  6. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Well, you will just have to buy some tickets and find out, now won't you?? :jester::jester::twisted:
  7. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    we are always pretty successful with 50/50 raffles when we do fundraisers where i work. ya know, the ones where you sell tickets and if you win you get half the money raised. most of the time the winner ends up just donating their winnings back to the cause or at donating at least some of the winnings back to the cause.

    good luck, db's wife
  8. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Do you have FB? I've seen people just ask - depending on how many 'friends' you have, just let them know you're looking for $5-$10 a person. Had a friend who did it and had payments sent through paypal, she was able to raise what she wanted for her cause. I realize you're probably looking for something that can involve your kids, but you could part of it on FB and let them raise the some too. You could make a little video and add that to your FB page too. Good luck!
  9. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Can you please post a link to your blog again? I need to educate myself about how all of this works. My question is if you don't have the funds to go and get the children (I think that's what the 5,000 is for) it follows to ask about funds when you get home and to maintain them on a day to day basis. I'm sure this isn't an issue and you probably explain it on your blog. I'm just curious how you do it! And don't get me wrong, these kids are lucky to have you, but the cost does seem to be an issue especially with so many! I can barely make ends meet with one (I am just one income though)! I wish I could help. My son would probably love to do a lemonade stand and I know he'd love for it to be going towards a good cause :cheers:
  10. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    thanks. Done that. We had $250 in donations come in so that was fantastic. $5 one time isn't much when you think about it but everyone has a budget & I understand that. I just have to find a way to get creative. We've saved, scrimped, borrowed from retirement, etc. and have paid for everything thus far on our own. Out of around $40K, we'll be just short around $5K. The fees were due this past week. We'll get there. Little by little. 3 kids are depending upon us to save their lives. They always say God will provide. Have to believe it right now. Hard to though when you're used to donating to certain things & then find yourself in the position to have to receive donations. But, the kids are worth it. And, we can certainly financially provide for them once home. NEVER have we ever received any assistance or stipend for our children. Never intend to either. But, the $40K laying in the bank to bring the kids home, we just don't have. Crazy. Keep ideas coming b/c I know something will definitely work. Only have $4550 left to go! Thanks for all the ideas on & off line. It does indeed help.
  11. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Hey, I totally understand as we get this question ALL the time. 10 kids is definitely a lot. I don't care who you are, it is. We are fortunate enough to have excellent, excellent private insurance through my husband's work. So, our medical (well, of course we have copays) is covered, all their dental work, and all their vision is covered. We save money by buying used or going to yardsales and such. No new cars here. LOL. Our biggest expense is seriously food. So, I made a deal w/ a local farmer since we buy more than your average customer. That helps for sure. I do some odd jobs and watch kids here and there. All those things contribute to being able to support more kids. We are not rich but our kids are definitely not wanting for anything.

    So, we have plenty to support the kids once home. But adoptions are ridiculously expensive. No matter stateside or international. Both expensive. If you're wondering why we can't do foster care, in the state of NC, if you have 5 or more kids, you are not allowed to adopt more. In addition,if you have even 1 w/ special needs, you can not adopt more. I've asked more than once & even visited social services in Johnston County & asked while there. So, that is why we go overseas. Now, like most folks, we dont' have 35 to $40K sitting in the bank to do an adoption. Yet, we have the ability to support them once home. We have never once taken government assitance or ever received a stipend for our kids. Ever. That is a myth that many believe.

    BTW, majority of our costs will be airfare due to rising fuel costs. Out of that $40K for 3 kids, only $9K of it were adoption fees. The rest went to airfare and our government mostly for paperwork. Believe it or not, fingerprints cost different at local, state and federal level. For the same exact thing. We managed over the last two years to save, work extra, borrow, etc. to pay for this set of adoptions. Due to very unforeseen circumstances, we don't have $5K necessary for fees that are currently due. Crazy as our insurance would pay for us to have unlimited fertility treatments in the hundreds of thousands of dollars yet if you want to add a child by adoption, there is no coverage. Yet, we've done this before w/ the 7 we have. On our own. Well, we've always asked for donations such as socks or toothbrushes or crayons to take w/ us but other than that, no. Done it on our own.

    Now, some people wonder why we do this. Why rescue a child? So many reasons. They say everyone has a "calling." This seems to be ours though never thought it would be. Seriously, who wants 10 kids?! LOL. Yet, when you go to the orphanages and see the anguish and know in your heart maybe you can save one or two more lives, than you do it. Some teach, some volunteer time, some feed the hungry, some donate money, some rescue animals,etc. Everyone may have something that is close to their heart. For us, it is the forgotten children of Eastern Europe. majority of our children would have been dead by now had they been left at their orphanages. Again, it's not for everyone but it's what we do. Just as some need help to feed the hungry or rescue animals, some need help to rescue the orphans. Our blog is: Our tax deductible page is: I tried to explain in a condensed version. BTW, keep the ideas coming in they really do help.
  12. Lolly42

    Lolly42 Well-Known Member


    Are you using an international air consolidator for your airfare?
  13. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Out of all our international adoptions, I have never ever heard that term before. Can you please, please fill me in. We use a travel agency that specializes in humanitarian missions and usually will find the lowest rates from what I gather. However, I am always, always looking for new ways to save. Let me know what you know. Thanks!

    Stephanie-- mom to 7 (soon to be 10!!!)
  14. Lolly42

    Lolly42 Well-Known Member

    Several years ago I worked in travel although I did very little with air only international travel. An air consolidator negotiates fares (at different fare classes) with the airlines. They in turn sell the fares to the public or via travel agencies. Sometimes you can collect frequent flyer points. But, not often if you book the lowest fare class. If you are working with a travel agency then I feel sure they are using a trusted consolidator.

    I would discourage anyone from booking with a consolidator without a travel agent. There are some less than reputable ones out there.

    Are you using travel insurance?

    Best of luck!
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011

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