Future of RTP

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by markfnc, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I work in RTP and can't help but notice all the empty buildings. The former EPA site sits vacant, their last building still in use was just vacated. IBM has numerous large empty buildings. Glaxo is moving people out.
    I wonder if RTP has run its course.


    More companies moving to downtown locations.

    Glaxo looking for use for empty space.
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    There is still new construction ongoing over the last couple of years. The Kitt Creek site between Louis Stephens and 55 was just finished. Expansion south of Kitt Creek on Louis Stephens at that Cisco(?) campus. The data center on Alexander west of 54. The site behind the Post Office. The United Therapeutics campus was just expanded. The problem is the re-purpose of the older buildings especially on the campus of another is often hard to justify. The old EPA building was in poor shape before EPA moved to their new facility, which is why it was demolished. There have been no mid-sized building built in the area for years. Many of the empty buildings are too large for many companies, but still without sufficient growth potential for others. The campus concept seems to be a problem for some of the sites, such as the old EPA site which requires modification to the overall plan. The other problem is the mergers of companies with presence in the area create excess capacity.

    The foundation seems to have been working on the southwest quadrant which had remained mostly undeveloped until the last decade.
  3. certdude

    certdude Well-Known Member

    ^ Actually that was NetApp, not Cisco. That said, Cisco keeps talking about buying another parcle and expanding, and NetApp I think wants to as well.

    Several banks have put buildings out there in recent areas in the south area as well. Credit Suisse and Fidelity.

    Lenovo just redid the old Sony Erickson campus.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  4. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Cisco has finally just about reached capacity in the 12 buildings it currently has on Kit Creek. The campus was originally to be 24 buildings pre-2000, they sold off a couple pieces of land and 3 buildings to NetApp when the dot-com crash happened. There has been talk internally about possibly building some new buildings for Cisco nearby, but it's probably at least a year or two out.

    NetApp just built a new large data center across the street on the SW corner of Louis Stephens and Kit Creek. They also have plans to grow and add another building in the near future.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  5. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    RTP purchased the site where the old mall and Radisson used to be with plans on making it into a vibrant center for RTP to make up for the lack of amenities in the area. Essentially, taking it from a place where you drive into work and drive home. IMO, this is what is wrong with it in the face of a culture who values walking, biking and having amenities close by. RTP also plan on implementing circulator buses with this plan.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    They had started this concept with the area between 54 and Hobson on Davis where the small cluster of upscale apartments were added. Getting the more neighborhood aspect was the idea, but the crashes slowed everything to a crawl.
  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Our company decided to open the East Coast headquarters downtown Durham. New building adjacent to the Durham Bulls ball field. I love working within walking distance of restaurants, shops and the ball field. Very cool building with a warehouse feel. RTP buildings are cold and distance and people like the idea of walking around to places, especially with all the hours we work. At least six months out of the year I work 80 plus hours per week then the other six are smooth sailing. Most of my colleagues are the same way, some work 80 plus hours for a couple of weeks each month and then have personal time the rest of the month.

  8. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Tyler's Tap House is great ... ate there for Father's Day. Liked the tomato pies at the BBQ place that used to be across the street next to the burger joint. That man can build a good restaurant but cannot keep them going for some reason.
  9. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I like Tyler's Taproom and Tobacco Road too (try the mac and cheese at Tobacco Road). Places on Main Street are Dames and Waffles and Toast. Over on Ninth Street a new place opened up named Bach's Burgers or Burger Bach's. Probably the best burgers I have ever eaten in my life. The shrimp is not bad either. Downtown Durham has really changed and we are rockin' and rollin'. It's amazing seeing the changes.


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