General Contractor saga... Buyer beware

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by youwish2bme, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. youwish2bme

    youwish2bme Well-Known Member

    I have posted a little and lurked a lot. I have thought about this post for a while and have come to the conclusion I need to warn my fellow 4042 members about a Contractor that you should exercise extreme caution with. Along with a few Sub-Contractors that were employed on a job that was started and I had to take over to complete.

    Anytime a homeowner wants to improve a property it can be a challenge to find a good General Contractor. I thought I had researched and found a good GC as while I had the skill to manage the project I did not have the time... or so I thought.

    While some may think that I money to burn I do not. I work 80 hours a week and rarely pay anyone to complete repairs to the house or to our vehicles.

    I contracted with Chris Martin of Aspiration Building.. Yes after review anyone that names their Company Aspiration anything should be nixed from a list of Contractors. Unfortunately his Salesmanship and Christian background clouded my judgement.

    My reason for this post to warn others so that you or they may not fall victim to this guy. I am ashamed to say I have lost almost $10k to this guy. I am pursuing this via the Criminal and Civil Courts but that will not prevent him from finding someone else to give him a down payment for work.

    I contracted him to build a 26'x36' detached garage that would have 12' ceilings with walk up storage upstairs and the exterior all brick. There were numerous failures that occurred and I took over the build but he still has my deposit after paying almost no invoices.

    The foundation was being laid and the people door was in the wrong place so I started knocking down the veneer to express my angst... The block work found in the wall was poor at best...


    Just wanted others to learn from my mistakes.

  2. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Did he pull a permit for the work?
  3. youwish2bme

    youwish2bme Well-Known Member

    Yes he did, but he pulled it in my name which I learned about after the fact. I have a meeting set with the JOCO Building Inspector to understand how a permit can be pulled for a person not present.
  4. Pepper Jack

    Pepper Jack Well-Known Member

    If you have a pending legal case it MIGHT be a good idea to refrain from posting until this is resolved
  5. youwish2bme

    youwish2bme Well-Known Member

    Pepper Jack, I understand your concern but nothing I have posted will affect the case. As important it is to recover the money he has of mine I also do not want him to take advantage of another person in the area.
  6. youwish2bme

    youwish2bme Well-Known Member

    Just to make sure this stays on the first page....

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