Getting rid of the 300 pound propane bottle

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 3GirlsDad, May 17, 2011.

  1. 3GirlsDad

    3GirlsDad Guest

    I saw an older post from 2007 about this topic. I am currently using McCracken Propane for fuel only for gas logs. We rarely use the gas logs and I have a 300 pound propane bottle that I "rent" from them for $60.00 year. A new 100 pound bottle which I believe would still be larger than I'd need for an entire season and one that I would own costs less than $100.00 new and around $60.00 used.

    Does anyone know what happens to the 300 pounds ( ~60 gallons ) of propane that is in the tank when I call to cancel my service ? Is McCracken required to buy it back ? If they aren't, does anyone know of someone that would buy the propane in the tank before I give it back to McCracken ?

    I can't justify the $60 / year rental for something I rarely use and something that is so simple to own outright...

  2. spazzmom

    spazzmom Member

    they come and take it and weigh it and mail you a check for the remaining gas in the tank, we just did the same thing.

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